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"Don't let what they say keep you up at night, and they can't detain you cause wings were made to fly"
Wings- Little Mix



It suddenly feels lonely without my sisters around, I really miss them. I'm glad that all this Shawn and Shane drama is over. I haven't seen nor heard from Shane since that night, after Sheldon's warning he won't be coming anywhere near me again.

It's my birthday and as usual I receive a lot of calls from my mom, sisters, friends and best friends. My phone is spammed with happy birthday messages from people I know and don't know. My pictures are everywhere on social media with lovely wishes from family, friends and fans.

I feel so loved.

Sheldon had planned a huge birthday party for me with the help of my girls. It was supposed to be a surprise but thanks to Perrie it's not, she just had to go and ruin the surprise for me.

I and the girls also have a show to perform today after which we would go to my party. Today was supposed to be my day off but work always finds a way to find its way into my schedule, even on my birthday. Oh well.

'Happy birthday Leigh-Anne!!' Everyone screams as soon as I come in.

I grin as they all start hugging me one after the other.

'Happy birthday my baby.' Mom says as she hugs me.

'Mom!! You didn't tell me you were coming.'

'It wouldn't be a surprise anymore now, would it??'

I laugh and my sisters hug me simultaneously, 'Leigh!! Happy birthday!!' They scream, nearly shattering my ear drums.

'So you guys had all this planned huh.' I say when someone calls me, 'Leigh-Anne.' I turn around to see Stanley. No way.

'OMG Stanley!! I've really missed you.' I hug him instantly.

He chuckles, 'Happy birthday love. I heard you were gonna have a party so I decided to show up.'

'Awww you.' I hug him again.

Several other people wish me a happy birthday when I feel a pair of arms wrap around my waist from behind.

'Sheldon.' I drawl.

'Happy birthday my queen.' He says and I blush covertly.

I am about to say something when my girls come over.

'Hope you don't mind' Jade says.

They didn't even wait for him to reply before taking me away from him. I have a good time at my birthday party and also notice Sheldon glancing at me from time to time.

Sheldon takes the centre stage and everyone turns their attention to him.

'I have something for you Leigh-Anne' Sheldon says holding a small wrapped present.

'It's a present!!', Mae screams.

'We can see that', Bonnie deadpans.

'OMG do you think that's the key to a new car or a new house or even better, both!!' Perrie asks as she clutches me.

'Shh!!' Jesy puts her index finger on her lips.

I take the small box from Sheldon and open it gently, what I see inside leaves me shocked.

'Sheldon', was all I could say.

'Give me the chance to make you the happiest woman in the world and marry me Leigh-Anne', Sheldon says going down on one knee.

I clasp my hand on my mouth, 'Of course I'll marry you Sheldon, duh', I say as I fight back tears. Tears of joy, mind you. Sheldon then takes the ring from the box and puts it on my finger.

'Yes!!' Sheldon stands up and takes me in his arms making me laugh a little. Everyone claps and cheers for us as we kiss. 'Awww', I hear my sisters say.

Soon after, everyone starts hugging and congratulating us.

'I'm so happy for you my love, you finally get to be with the man of your dreams', Mom says as she pecks my cheeks.

'OMG Leigh your ring looks really expensive, look at those diamonds', Mae comments.

'It's such a lovely ring!!' Bonnie says while staring at my engagement ring but I notice the hurt in her voice so I put my hand on her shoulder and give her my best supportive smile. She must have thought about Shawn which made her sad.

'Get him out your head Bonnie, you deserve much more. There's a guy out there who's gonna love you unconditionally. Someday you're gonna meet him and he's gonna turn your whole world around, just like Sheldon did mine.' I say to which Bonnie just smiles and nods, 'Thanks Leigh'

My girls simultaneously hug me and I grin. 'Now we have to start selecting a wedding dress', Perrie says and I nudge her playfully.

'Bridesmaid calls underway', Jade says and winks at me.

'I hope I catch the bouquet cause I need a man like Sheldon in my life.' Jesy says and we giggle.

Trust my girls to make this special day complete.

I am about to start a new chapter in my life and I have my family and friends to thank for their love and support. I had almost given up on true love because of my many failed relationships in the past but Sheldon came into my life and changed everything. I'm glad I didn't let my past ruin my present and future.

Sheldon holds my hands and looks me in the eye, something that still gives me butterflies and gets me hypnotized. 'I love you Leigh-Anne', he says.

'Aww look at them getting all mushy', I hear my sisters say.

I grin, 'I love you more than words can say Sheldon.'


You have come to the end of this story.

Thank you for following Leigh-Anne, Bonnie-Anne and Mary-Anne on their adventure. It means a lot to me as much as it does to them 😊

Special thanks to those of you who kept reading up to date and voting and commenting, you're the real MVPs 😘

P. S. Bonnie-Anne and Mary-Anne are fictional characters❕

Hugs & kisses,
Ya gurl, Kemas

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