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"Fed up of being the one that you lean on, I want to be the one that you dream of"
If I Get My Way- Little Mix


When I get home I call out to my sisters and no one answers but I hear their voices from upstairs, they're probably squealing over the cute clothes they ordered. I drop my purse and relax on the sofa when I hear the sound of broken glass. I rush upstairs to Bonnie-Anne's room where the sound is coming from. I enter the room only to see my sisters on the floor, fighting and cussing each other. So much for promising to behave. Why can't they ever make a promise and keep it??

I couldn't hide my anger and disgust. If they didn't look so much alike, I wouldn't believe that they are sisters. One second they're on the same page and before you know it, they're fighting dirty. What exactly is wrong with them??

They quickly stand up and stare at me as though they were waiting for a verdict. Mary-Anne speaks up first, as usual.

'Bonnie started this.'

'What?? You started this by yanking my hair!!' Bonnie-Anne says.

'Well you hit me first.'

'That's only because you yanked my hair and you're planning to take my fiance away from me which is not going to happen by the way.' Bonnie-Anne says.

Okay, what??

Mary-Anne is planning to take Shawn away from Bonnie-Anne?? Well, that's kind of a good thing, except that Mary-Anne wants to separate them for her own selfish reasons.

'You took him away from me first so I'm just taking him back.'

'You can't take back what was never yours, Mae.'

They continued bickering for a while until I see the pieces of broken glass on the floor. My designer perfume!!

'The both of you be quiet!!' I say and they freeze, staring at me again. 'Who broke my perfume and more importantly, what is it doing here??'

'Uh, I really loved the scent so I decided to use it a little then return it afterwards.' Bonnie-Anne says. 'It's a really nice perfume.'

'And you didn't tell me!??'

'I didn't know it was going to break. I'm sorry.'

I glance at her feet and see my watch. What the??

'Now what is my watch doing here?? Let me guess, you broke it too??' I ask.

'No I didn't, Mae did.' Bonnie-Anne says, picking up the watch. 'She threw it at me.'

I glare at Mary-Anne whose expression quickly softens. 'I'm so sorry Leigh, I didn't know the watch was yours.' she says.

'And what was it doing here, Bonnie??'

'Uh I um, I really liked the watch so I decided to use it for a while before returning it.' Bonnie-Anne says. 'It's a really nice watch.'

I glare at them and they step backwards. 'Can't you two be together without fighting or breaking stuff?? I don't get it, you're sisters for heaven's sake!! Sure you're gonna have some fights and arguments here and there but you're taking it too far. Now you've broken my favourite perfume and watch and all for what??'

They come towards me, looking remorseful. 'We're so sorry Leigh, I don't know what came over us.' Bonnie-Anne says.

'We promise it won't happen again.' Mary-Anne says.

'Oh wow. Where have I heard that before??' I deadpan.

'We'll try to get along from now on, for your sake.' Bonnie-Anne says. 'As long as Mae doesn't try anything funny.'

'Mae, please be happy and supportive of Bonnie even though she's getting married to someone you claim to love. They're already engaged so there's nothing we can do, all we can do is give her our support and blessing. We owe her that as her sisters don't you think.' I say and Mary-Anne grumbles a bit before reluctantly smiling and nodding her head.

'Does that mean that you've forgiven us for the perfume and the watch??' Bonnie-Anne asks, clutching my arm.

'Yes I have, but you're gonna have to replace them by tonight.'

'Tonight??' they ask in unison.

'Yes. Is that too much to ask for??'

'No, but---'

'I better get them by tonight.' I say sternly and leave the room.

What kind of sisters have I been gifted with?? I go to my room and slump in my bed. Uh, I deserve some rest. Just as I am about to drift off to sleep, my phone rings. What now!?? I glance at my phone and jump up immediately, answering the call.

'Hey Sheldon... I'm exhausted, wanna get some shut-eye... It's my sisters, I think they're gonna drive me crazy... It's not funny Sheldon... really??... wow, that's nice... when??... okay, see you there... bye, love you.' I drop my phone and mentally scream.

Mrs Leighton wants me and my sisters to have dinner at her house tomorrow. She wants to meet Bonnie-Anne and her family, which is me and Mary-Anne since our mom doesn't live in London. And Shawn is definitely going to be there. Oh no. What if my sisters misbehave?? I don't want them embarrassing me in front of Mrs Leighton. My phone rings again snapping me out of my thoughts. I quickly pick the call seeing the caller.

'Hello Mrs Leighton... yes, he did... I'm so looking forward to it... bye.' I drop my phone and fall back on my bed.

I sure hope this dinner goes smoothly.


Hope ya like this chapter, if ya did why don't ya give ya gal a star 😉

Your kind and helpful comments are welcome 😊

Do have a blessed week!!

Lotta love,
Kemas. ❤

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