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"Only a curl is gonna solve it, and I don't really care, just get him out my hair"
Hair- Little Mix ft Sean Paul


After making breakfast for Mary-Anne, I don't know what else to do so I call Sheldon and tell him about how Bonnie-Anne refused to believe me because she thinks we are just trying to ruin her relationship. He could sense the tension in my voice so he asks me to calm down so we can think of how to reveal the truth to her.

I take breakfast up to Bonnie-Anne and find her in bed, texting, she was probably texting Shawn. She sneers when she sees me but I ignore her and keep the tray of food on her laps.

'Serving me breakfast in bed is not going to make me believe you Leigh,' She says before I can even open my mouth.

'I'm not trying to ruin your relationship Bonnie, I'm just trying to save you from it. Think about it, not too long ago this guy was head over heels for Mae and all of a sudden he just falls in love with you? People don't just fall in and out of love so carelessly. Don't you think there's something fishy? Don't you think he's up to something?' I say calmly, trying to convince her.

'What is your problem Leigh? Why can't you just be happy for me for finding the love of my life and stop all this drama?' She angrily throws the tray of food on the floor and stands up. 'You know what, I'm outta here.'

'What?! Where are you going?' I ask in shock. What is she up to now?

'Shawn's,' She says, takes her purse and leaves.

I call out to her but she just ignores me and keeps on going. I run after her but she instantly turns around making me almost bump into her.

'And don't try to stop me,' She adds, emphasizing the "don't" as she leaves my house with only her handbag. I immediately call Sheldon to watch out for when Bonnie-Anne would arrive at his house but he tells me that his brothers had already left his house. I ask for Shawn's address and he informs me that Shawn doesn't have a particular address, he always moves from location to location because of the kind of "work" be does.

I keep tracking Bonnie-Anne's phone every minute to know where she is but it seems like she turned her phone off so I couldn't track her. She knows me well but it's just that I'm worried about her being with Shawn. I don't know why she is acting this way. Being irrational is Mary-Anne's thing.

My phone rings, snapping me out of my wandering thoughts. I sigh as I realise why Jade is calling. We are special guests on the Zach Hardy Show tonight. All this Bonnie-Anne and Shawn drama had kept me busy all day that I almost forgot about it.

I take a shower and put on a designer denim jumpsuit and apply some lip gloss. Before I leave I ask Mary-Anne to call or text me immediately Bonnie-Anne gets home.

* * *

'Leigh-Anne where have you been and why haven't you been picking me calls?'

'What took you so long to get here?'

'Do you know the show is about to start? Thank goodness you got here in time.'

That is Jade, Perrie and Jesy respectively bombarding me with questions as soon as I get there, I don't even get the chance to explain to them what is going on.

'This is so unlike you Leigh-Anne. Tardiness is Jesy's thing,' Jade says and Jesy gives her a mean look.

We laugh as we watch the show on one of the TVs backstage until Zach calls us and we go on stage. The audience starts cheering and clapping as we make our way to our seats. Throughout the show I keep drifting between being absent minded and checking my phone constantly. Mary-Anne hasn't called or texted me which means Bonnie-Anne is not back yet.

Jade notices my concerned look and gently nudges me, giving me a "What is wrong?" look. I smile at her and shake my head. She gives me another inquisitive look and I have to smile harder to show her that I am okay.

I guess Jesy and Perrie also noticed because after the show they keep asking me what is going on. I can't keep it in any longer, I have to tell them everything. They are my best friends after all.

'So you're just gonna let her stay with him?' Jade asks me after I tell them all that's happening with my sister and her "boyfriend".

I shrug in response. 'She's a grown woman, I can't force her to stay where she doesn't want to.'

'Why don't we go teach this Shawn guy a thing or three for messing with your sis,' Jesy suggests, smirking. I sigh. It just had to be her.

'I don't think that's the solution,' I tell her.

'Then what are you gonna do?' Perrie asks.

'I don't really know what to do, I've tried talking to her but she doesn't want to listen. She loves him so blindly.'

'If someone told you that Sheldon doesn't really love you and is using you for your money, would you believe that person?' Jade asks me and I frown.

'Of course not, Sheldon is not like that.'

'Exactly. In the same way it won't be easy to convince Bonnie-Anne. What we need is a plan, to expose Shawn for what he really is.'

I'm so glad I talked to my girls because now I feel better about the whole thing knowing that they are here for me. They crack a few jokes to cheer me up and assure me that everything will be alright. I decide to go home and on my way, I check my phone but still no call or text from Mary-Anne.

When I get home I find Mary-Anne on the couch, deep in thought. I shake her, jolting her out of her thoughts.

'Did Bonnie-Anne come back?' I ask. I know she didn't call or text me but I just want to be sure.

'Yeah,' she replies but before I can say anything, she adds, 'but she left with what she called good news.'

'What is it?' I ask, a part of me hoping that she's broken up with Shawn though it's very unlikely.

'Shawn proposed to her. She said she wanted you to meet him before they got engaged, but since you're so against their relationship, they got engaged anyway.'

'What?!' I can't believe what I just heard. My sister got engaged to a scum! But I will not let them get married, not on my watch.

Mary-Anne suddenly stands up and lazily walks into the kitchen. I hear clashes of cutleries and the banging of the fridge door before she comes out with a large tub of icecream she is savagely eating.

'You know what Leigh, I'm also not happy about this whole engagement thing.'

'Why aren't you?' I ask, confused and a little suspicious. I know that she doesn't have anything against Shawn because she doesn't know who he really is.

'I'm in love with Shawn.'


*sighs satisfactorily* Finally!!

Firstly I want to thank you all for keeping up with my book and reading and voting, you guys are the very best!!

Secondly I want to apologize for not updating in ages, I'm so so sorry, I've been very very busy lately.

Thirdly, you can tell me how you like this chapter, what you don't like and your opinions in the comments.

Lastly, don't enjoy alone, share this book with your friends and followers!!

Kemas ❤

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