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"For me there'll never be case closed"
Case Closed- Little Mix


It's been a few days since the party and Sheldon still hasn't called me. To be honest, I have been expecting his call and I can't believe I forgot to ask for his number, I wouldn't mind calling him.

My sisters have also been living with me; they insisted on staying a while longer and I couldn't refuse them, after all, they wouldn't stay here forever. That would be a nightmare.

Speaking of dreams...

I have been dreaming of Sheldon everyday since I met him. He is so dreamy and I just can't get him out of my mind. My phone suddenly rings bringing me out of my daydream. It is an unknown number.


'Hi Leigh-Anne, it's Sheldon.' I hear a familiar male voice say.

'Sheldon?' I say and squirm, trying not to sound too excited over the phone. 'Uh, it's nice to hear from you.'

'Same here. How are you?'

'I'm well, and you?'

You're well? Are you really?

'I've been thinking about you...' He says and pauses.

He's been thinking about me.

'I was thinking, I mean... Can me meet up at the park this evening, by six?' He says after a few moments of silence.

'Yes, of course we can.'

'Great. See you then Leigh-Anne.'

'See you,' I say just before the call ends.

I begin to dance around the living room happily, using a pillow as my dance partner when my sisters come downstairs. I can see the shock on their faces but I don't care.

'What is wrong with her?' I hear them ask themselves.

'Nothing is wrong with me... I'm okay... I'm just so excited... It's a dream come true, literally,' I sing and Bonnie-Anne holds me firmly making me stop dancing.

'What are you talking about?' She asks me worriedly.

'I'm talking about Sheldon,' I say and she smiles.

'He called you?'

'And he wants to meet me at the park this evening.'

The three of us shriek and jump up and down like we did when we were teenagers.

'Oh my god, your first date with Sheldon,' Mary-Anne says and nudges me.

'It's not a date,' I say. 'He just wants to meet me so we can have a walk or something.'

'Of course he does,' She says as she winks at me and I roll my eyes.

'Oh, and what about Shawn?' I ask as I smirk at her.

She groans so loudly I thought she actually hit her toe on something. 'Can we please not talk about him?'

'You know he loves you a lot and that's why he's willing to leave you alone for your happiness,' Bonnie-Anne says. 'But he wants to see you one last time before he leaves you alone for good. Is that okay with you?'

'Absolutely not. I don't wanna see him and he doesn't have to see me. Gosh, doesn't he understand anything?'

'Come on Mae, just this one last time and he would leave you forever and never bother you ever again.'

'I don't really care what he does, he can do whatever. But I'm not going to meet him and that's that.'

'You know, karma says that if you don't love someone who loves you then the one you love will never love you back.'

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