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"And maybe when you wanna start growing up, we can boom boom boom maybe fall in love"
You Gotta Not- Little Mix


It's seven thirty and I'm already dressed up waiting for Sheldon. I'm putting on a little red dress my sisters made me wear and moderate makeup which I did myself because I would never let my sisters do my makeup, ever.

'Wow Leigh, you look amazing. I can't wait for Sheldon to see you,' Mary-Anne says and winks at me.

'I have to say we did a really good job, you really do look amazing Leigh,' Bonnie-Anne says, scanning me from head to toe and back again, standing akimbo and nodding her head in approval.

'Thanks to my mini glam team,' I say and hug my sisters.

'Don't hug us! You'll ruin your makeup.' Mary-Anne gently pushes me away and dusts my dress.

I laugh. 'Oh come on, it's not like you're covered in mud.'

'Whatever, just don't ruin your outfit,' Bonnie-Anne says.

'Now what do I do for the next twenty minutes?' I ask rhetorically.

'Pictures!' Mary-Anne screams and takes her phone out of her pocket. 'Pose for the camera.'

I sigh deeply and strike a few poses for her. 'Awesome poses Leigh,' Bonnie-Anne says and stands beside me drinking chocolate shake.

'Can I see them?' I ask.

'Sure, you look so cute in them,' Mary-Anne says and skips towards me but accidentally pushes Bonnie-Anne whose chocolate shake spills on my dress. I gasp, Bonnie-Anne screams and Mary-Anne screams even louder.

'Mae! You just ruined Leigh's dress!' Bonnie-Anne scolds her.

'It was an accident. I am so sorry Leigh, I didn't mean to, I swear--' Mary-Anne apologizes but I cut her off. There was no time for this, I only had fifteen minutes to get changed. Luckily, my makeup wasn't ruined as well.

'It's okay Mae, I know you didn't do this on purpose but right now I need to get changed quickly,' I say and head for the stairs.

'I'll come help you,' Mary-Anne says and is about to follow me.

'Haven't you done enough for tonight, do you also want to ruin her second outfit you dimwit?' Bonnie-Anne asks.

'Who're you calling a dimwit you dimwit! I wasn't the one who had to drink chocolate shake standing so close to Leigh,' Mary-Anne fires back.

'I didn't know you were gonna bump into me you twit.'

'Well you shouldn't have stood so close to Leigh you fool.'

'And you shouldn't have bumped into me, you could've just walked over to her, we were in the same room you dumbo.'

'Why were you even drinking chocolate shake anyway?'

'What sort of a question is that?'

'It's a question that needs an answer, you birdbrain.'

'That's it, I'm calling you out bitch. You ruined Leigh's dress for her special date and now you're trying to fight with me about it.'

'You just called me a bitch you---' Mary-Anne says and plunges towards Bonnie-Anne. They start fighting and continue their exchange of words as I rush upstairs to get changed. I can't settle them now, if I do, I'll miss my date and probably get admitted into the hospital and I can't afford either so, no thank you.

I come downstairs dressed in all-black; a strapless jumpsuit with cute pumps and a designer handbag. My sisters are still fighting and cussing each other, they have already messed up my living room and are heading towards my kitchen. There's absolutely no way I'll let them fight in there, my china and champagne flutes are in there.

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