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"Master of anticipation, don't you keep it all to yourself"
Touch- Little Mix


Bonnie-Anne and I enter my house and find Mary-Anne waiting for us in the living room.

'Where have you been?' She asks as she stands up from the sofa and turns off the tv.

'I was with--' I start to say but she interrupts me.


'Yes. It was such a beautiful evening and we watched the sunset together.'


'Nothing.' I shrug.

'What do you mean nothing? He didn't ask you to be his girlfriend?'

'Come on Mae, we just met a few days ago and barely know each other so how could we--'

'It doesn't matter Leigh, where there's love, there's a way and I see a way for you two to be together. I mean, you like him a lot and he clearly likes you too.'

'Mae, some things are just not meant to be rushed,' I say. 'So Bonnie, how was your talk with Shawn?'

Bonnie-Anne turns her neck slowly to stare at me and Mary-Anne.

What's wrong with her?

'Uh, we talked.'

'I know that. So, how was it?'

'Um, it was good. I mean, he was okay with the fact that Mae doesn't like him and has decided to move on.'

'He's okay?' Mary-Anne asks. 'Just like that?'

'Yes, he seemed perfectly okay to me. You don't expect him to brood over you, afterall you don't like him so how he feels shouldn't bother you.' Bonnie-Anne replies.

'Of course it doesn't.' Mary-Anne says.

'Okay, that's that. Now let's have dinner, shall we?' I say and go into the kitchen, humming a tune and nodding my head in sync.

* * *

'Guess who has a new boo,' Bonnie-Anne chirps as she dances into the living room. I am listening to music on my headphones but her voice is loud enough for me to hear. Mary-Anne is reading a magazine and looks up at me excitedly.

'Leigh, you didn't tell me you were dating Sheldon.'

'What? No, we're not dating.'

At least not yet.

'So who are you talking about, Bonnie?' Mary-Anne asks. She was confused now, and so was I.

'I was talking about me!' Bonnie-Anne finally says. 'Shawn and I are a couple now.' She grins as she sits in between me and Mary-Anne.

'What?' Mary-Anne and I ask in unison.

'Yeah,' she says. 'He asked me out and now we're a couple.'

'I'm happy for you, Bonnie, but isn't this a little too sudden? I mean just a few days ago this Shawn guy was head over heels for Mae and now he asked you out? It's barely been a week.' I try to point things out to Bonnie-Anne cause I smell a rat and I hate smelling rats.

'Like I said, he's gotten over Mae and wants to move on with his life.'

Mary-Anne is even more surprised than I am and wants to be sure Bonnie-Anne is telling the truth. 'You mean Shawn actually asked you out and you said yes?'

'Of course I did,' Bonnie-Anne replies and starts playing with her fingers. 'You know how much I loved him even when he was in love with you. So now that you don't want him in your life I guess I can have him in mine.'

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