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"Get your killer heels, sneakers, pumps or lace up your boots. Representing all the women, salute salute"
Salute- Little Mix


'Good morning Leigh,' Bonnie-Anne says as she and Mary-Anne come downstairs wearing matching sky blue tracksuit bottoms.

'Happy Saturday morning Leigh,' Mary-Anne says as she hugs me and sniffs the air. 'Mmm, something smells nice.'

'That should be my freshly brewed coffee,' I say and pour myself a cup. 'Would you like some?'

'No thanks.'

'So, where are you two going so early in the morning?'

'We're going for a jog, we need to exercise and also take a look around.'

'That's nice,' I say, sipping my coffee. I know they love to exercise but I didn't know they were this dedicated.

'Don't you wanna come with us?'

'I'll pass.'

'I thought you celebrities love to exercise.'

'You thought wrong. I only exercise when I feel like it.'

'You're just lucky because you have a figure that's immune to junk food. Oh well, we're off,' Bonnie-Anne says as she and Mary-Anne head out.

'Don't stay out too long and please don't do anything stupid,' I plead as they leave.

About an hour later, my sisters come back home and attack my fridge as they quickly pull out several bottled water and gulp them nonstop. I laugh at them as I relax on a sofa playing games on my phone.

'What's so funny?' Mary-Anne shoots me a glare and I laugh even more.

'How was your jog?' I ask.

'I'm exhausted.'

'Thought you could handle it?' I smirked and she responded with a tired groan. 'Why don't you two freshen up and then have your breakfast.'

'Good call,' she says and hurries upstairs, Bonnie-Anne shakes her head and also goes upstairs.

I go to the kitchen and make lots of pancakes for them because they love eating warm pancakes with chilled juice when they are tired and hungry. Hmm, sometimes it feels as if they're twins and I'm their older sister. Maybe it's because I'm more responsible than the two of them together would ever be in an entire lifetime.

'I need a nap!' Mary-Anne announces.

Bonnie-Anne smirks. 'You can dream about your prince charming while at it.'

Mary-Anne scoffs and states, 'He's not my prince charming.'

'But he was so totally into you.'

'I don't care, I'm not into him and that's that.'

'So who's this "prince charming"?' I ask.

'Oh it's just this really cute guy we met during our jog. We talked for a while and he seemed to be very nice, he also seemed to like Mae but turns out she doesn't like him back, poor guy.'

'Whatever,' Mary-Anne says and lies down on the sofa, covering her face with a pillow.

'Hey Leigh, why don't we invite your friends over for dinner? It's been so long since I've seen them and it would be really nice for them to come over, you know, for a family and friends dinner night,' Bonnie-Anne suggests.

Mary-Anne literally leaps from the sofa and floats into the kitchen. 'Wow Bonnie that's actually not a bad idea.'

'Uh thanks.'

Three Sides Of AnneDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora