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"I wish that it could be like that, why can't it be like that, cause I'm yours"
Secret Love Song- Little Mix ft Jason Derulo


I watch as Mary-Anne downs the whole tub of icecream. I still can't believe what she told me five minutes ago. Just as I am trying to save my sister from Shawn, the other sister falls in love with him. Now what am I going to do?

'How? When?' I ask, she just has to explain to me.

'I don't know,' she says with a shrug. 'I guess I've always been in love with him, just that I didn't want to show it.'

'What do you mean you've always been in love with him?' I am getting even more confused now. 'You clearly said that you didn't like him.'

'I did like him, in fact, I loved him. I was only playing hard to get, I didn't know he was going to fall in love with my sister,' She says and I facepalm, leaving my palm on my face for a few more seconds, trying to process what she said.

So all this while she was just playing hard to get? Really?? Really???

'But you know what? This wedding is not happening,' She says confidently, using the back of her hand to wipe the icecream that had smeared on her lips.

'Why do you say so?' I ask, eyeing her.

'Because I'm going to get my Shawn back.'

I blink in surprise. 'Your what?'

'Shawn is mine and mine only. It was bad enough that he was dating Bonnie and now he wants to get married to her. No, I can't lose him.'

'You never had him.'

'I would have if Bonnie never stole him from me!'

'No she didn't.'

'Then how come they're together?'

'I don't know, I guess she was also in love with him but still, she tried to make you accept him but you stated that you were not interested.'

'But I was.'

'Then why did you say you weren't?'

'Because I wanted him to fight for my love, I wanted to see how much he loved me.'

'Well you've seen it now, he doesn't love you.' I say, trying to convince her that Shawn doesn't really love her, hoping that she will let him go so that I would only have to deal with Bonnie-Anne.

'I know he does. All this is Bonnie's fault!'

'What? No it's not.'

'Yes it is and stop trying to defend her. I'm gonna get my Shawn back and nobody is gonna stop me.' With this, Mary-Anne stomps upstairs.

Well, that escalated quickly.

I pace the room thinking of what next to do. If I can't talk Bonnie-Anne into leaving Shawn then convincing Mary-Anne will be a lot harder because she is more headstrong. My phone rings, snapping me out of my thoughts and I pick it immediately without looking at the caller.

'Hey Sheldon.'

'Leigh-Anne, I have some news for you but I don't know if it'll be good or bad.'
'What is it?' I ask, trying to guess what he could possibly want to tell me.

'My brother, Shane, just called me and told me that Shawn got engaged to Bonnie-Anne.'

'Yeah, just found out myself. It's funny because she left my house just this morning.'

'What are we going to do now? We can't let Bonnie-Anne get married to Shawn.'

It makes me happy that he sees my problems as his and wants us to handle it together.

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