The Arrival

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Tay's P.O.V.

"That was one hell of a party last night," Jordan stated. Jordan Eckes was one of my best friends from school after Jenna moved. He was one of the few people I knew for sure actually cared about me.

I looked up at him and shrugged. I mean, he was nearly a foot taller than me, so I really had to look up. "I guess, thanks," I said with another shrug.

Jordan chuckled. "I'm not sure I was giving you a compliment." I looked back down and felt him wrap his arm around me. "C'mon. I think everyone else is inside."

With a nod, I followed Jordan into the bar and saw that it was packed with people. A hand shot up in the back and I heard someone yell our names, so we made our way to the back to see our other friends.

All three were from our school days. One of them was Robert Chianelli, but we all called him Rob. He wasn't much taller than me, and he had black hair with a blonde streak in it. He also looked as though he hasn't shaved in a few days, so his facial hair looked really rough. Oddly, I wanted to touch it and I am not sure why. Another of our friends was Mike Ferri. He had brown hair that he had recently cut short, glasses, and a crazy attitude. The final guy waiting for us was Cameron Hurley. Saying he was cute would be an understatement. In my opinion, he was the most attractive of the group. He had dark brown hair and dark eyes, and a really cute smile.

Jordan and I sat down and I reached up to ruffle his brown hair, causing him to laugh. We all ordered a couple beers and began catching up, since the we hadn't properly talked in months. Our last chance was at my horrible party last night, but we were all drunk off our asses ten minutes in.

"Hey, Kevin!" Cameron called to the bartender. "Can you put on the game?"

Kevin nodded and changed the channel from whatever golf game was on, to the football game. The boys started watching as I just sipped my beer in its bottle. I shoved my hands in my pockets and my right hand hit something. Confused, I grabbed it and pulled it out, only to see that the necklace Jenna gave me was in my pocket. I didn't remember taking the necklace with me, but I sighed and put it back in my pocket.

"Yo, the chick that just walked in is really hot," Rob said, looking behind me.

I furrowed my eyebrows at him. "Stop checking girls out, okay? It makes us look bad."

"Whatever, bro. She's really hot. Judging by the way she's acting around the guy she's with, she's not into penis either. You could take a shot at her." Rob wiggled his eyebrows at me and I shook my head.

"There's only one girl I would ever want to 'take a shot at' and she lives in Australia and hates me now." Rob gave me a sympathetic smile and I sighed. "I'm gonna head home, guys."

The four men groaned and I laughed at them. "You can't leave," Cameron whined.

"Yeah, we love you," Mike said.

I shook my head at them and laughed again. " 'Bye, boys." I turned and began to walk away from them, but before I could get past the bar, I ran into someone. Literally. Instantly, I felt a cold liquid running down my head and onto my shoulders.

"Oh, my God," a guy said. "I'm so sorry." He reached out a toned arm and pulled me up from the floor. "I just got in from the airport, so I guess jetlag and beer don't mix, huh?"

I laughed and violently shook my head, causing his drink to shoot everywhere. He was actually kind of handsome, in a way. He was really tan, and he had long brown hair that came down to his shoulders. He looked really Mexican, to cut straight to the chase.

"I'm Vic Fuentes," he said, holding out his hand for me to shake.

Well, the name gives away his nationality. "I'm Tay Jardine."

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