The Second Mistake

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Tay's P.O.V.

"WHOO!" Cameron yelled, standing up in Jordan's car. We all laughed at him as he opened the hatch on top and stood straight up.

"Sit that nice ass down," Mike slurred, smacking Cameron's ass.

"You're so gay when you're drunk," Rob stated, taking a drink of his beer.

"Tay's straight when she's drunk," Mike said and I laughed at him. Cameron laughed loudly outside of the car and Jordan had to smack him to get him to sit back down.

My phone started ringing and all the guys "oohed" at me.

"It's Jenna," Rob said in a sing-song voice.

"Shut up," I said, and answered her FaceTime call. That beautiful blonde appeared on the screen. "Hey," I slurred, hating that I would answer her while I was drunk.

"Hiya," she replied. "Fuck, I just woke up." She ran her fingers through her messy hair and I smiled at her.

Cameron leaned on my seat and looked at Jenna. "You look extra sexy when you're drunk," he slurred.

"You're the drunk one," I told him.

"Oh, got it." He sat back in the seat and Jenna looked back at me.

"Fun night?" she asked.

"Pretty much," I said. My head was starting to really annoy me, and I scrunched my face up, placing a hand on my head.

"You okay, love?"

Rob moved so he could be in the frame. "Your love is drunk off her ass."

"You're drunker than I am," I slurred. Okay, maybe he wasn't. We all drank a lot, well, except for Jordan because Homie double J was stuck on double D business.

Jenna looked at me. "Do you want me to call later? Like, when you're not drunk?"

"Pft, no. I'm not drunk, okay?"

"She's drunk," Jordan said, and all the guys started yelling in the backseat.

"No, I'm drunk!" Cameron yelled, laughing.

"I'm the drunkest of the drunks!" Mike yelled.

"Babe, I'll call you later," Jenna said, a worried look on her face. "I love you."

I pouted. "I love you too."

"Bye." Jenna hung up and I replaced my phone in my purse, the guys climbing everywhere in the car.

Suddenly, we heard sirens and then realized that Cameron was standing up in the car again, waving a beer bottle around. Instead of yelling at him, all four of us burst out laughing as the cop came closer.

"Pull over now," he said through his P.A.

We all groaned as Jordan pulled the car over.


"Well, the driver isn't intoxicated," the officer said. "Just the passengers. Where were you guys headed?"

"To a party!" Cameron yelled, throwing his arm around my shoulders. We both started laughing and the cop sighed.

"We're gonna follow you back to somewhere you'll be safe. Just to make sure."

"Yes, officer," Jordan said. The cop nodded to us and returned to his car. He flipped on his lights and the five of us got back into Jordan's car. He drove us back to my house, where a surprise was waiting at my front door.

"Hey!" I yelled happily.

Cassadee furrowed her eyebrows as I got out of the car and jumped into her arms.

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