The Conversation

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Tay's P.O.V.

After Alex left, Jenna immediately pulled me into a passionate kiss. When we pulled away, we were both gasping for air with small smiles.

"Hi," I said, still smiling.

"Ugh, hello," she said. "I'm glad he's gone. Now we can be alone, you can take off those shorts, and we can cuddle on the couch."

I laughed and rolled my eyes at how cute she was. I didn't like that Alex was here, especially unannounced, but we all kind of got along after a while. Then it was less of me wanting to hit him.

"I need to shower," I said and Jenna whined childishly.

"No," she whined, holding it out.

"Yes," I mocked. "You should too."

"Right, okay, duh. We shower together. Saves time, saves water, more time to cuddle. Got it."

"No," I said.


I pulled her into a delicate kiss and bit my lip when we pulled away. "No."

"Mhm, but now I want it even more."

"No you don't, shh. I'm not here."

I covered Jenna's eyes and turned her the other way before running up the stairs. Soon, she was following and then, she was pinning me to the bed with a smile on her face.

"Damn, you're not very fast," she teased.

"Mhm, you're not very strong," I replied and overpowered her, pinning her wrists to the bed as I straddled her.

"I am so strong. I just let you win."


"Yuh-huh. Duh. I am the strongest woman in the world."

"Strongest, no. Most beautiful, yes."

"Smooth." I laughed and she looked down at my lips. "Can we kiss now?"

"No, I have to shower."

Jenna groaned as I climbed off her and walked to my dresser. She climbed off the bed and wrapped her arms around my waist, kissing my neck lightly.

"Hey, stop that, Ms. Distraction," I said, causing Jenna to giggle and kiss my neck again. "I'm serious, I have to shower." I'm not serious.

"You're not serious," she said. "You can't be. You're Tay."

I turned and looked at her, cocking an eyebrow. "And what's that supposed to mean?"

"That you would rather be cuddling and watching Harry Potter than doing something productive."

I scoffed. "That is so productive." Jenna laughed, kissing me as I wrapped my arms around her neck. "Mhm, I could kiss you all day."

"Great! Fuck the shower!"

I laughed. "You want me to physically fuck the shower?"

"No, I want you to physically fuck me. Like, seriously. The shower gets to see you naked, but I don't?"

"But he's already met my parents, and the wedding, Jen. I'm sorry."

Jenna started laughing really hard, but I kept a straight face.

"This isn't a laughing matter," I said. "The kids. Think of the kids. If we break up, they'll be crushed. And then..." Jenna kissed me lightly. "Well then, the kids,"--another kiss--"Fuck the kids."

I jumped up and wrapped my legs around Jenna's waist as she pushed me against the dresser. Our lips met again and she began running her hand beneath my shirt (well, her shirt).

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