The Next Day

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Jenna's P.O.V.

"Jen, wait!" Vic yelled and I turned around.

"What? I'm going to be late for my flight!"

"It's only noon. Come on. Tay was drunk. You know how she is when she's drunk, Jenna. It didn't mean anything."

I sighed. "I'm sorry. I have to go."

Vic growled and I walked away from him, hurrying to the gate. I gave them my ticket and pulled the small bag I had brought with me. Once I found my seat, I placed my bag above me and sat down. I checked the time on my phone biting my nails. Fucking hell, what time was it there?

I groaned and put my phone away. It's nearly a day-long trip. I have one more ticket to get after this, since the flight doesn't go directly to New York; it goes to LA.

The anticipation was eating me up as I sat there, biting at my nails.

Then the flight attendant announced that we would be lifting off, just as someone next to me started putting their bag above me. I turned to face them, but quickly turned back around so my face wasn't in their stomach.

They sat down and buckled, so I turned and looked at them, my cheeks immediately flushing.

The girl was maybe in her early twenties, with long, black hair and blue eyes. She had her septum pierced, and her ears pierced, cartilage and all. She was digging through her purse as I watched her and she finally looked up, swinging her head to flip her black bangs out of her eyes. She gave a beautiful smirk.

"Like what you see?" she teased.

I cleared my throat and looked away, my face bright red by now.

"I'm Tess," she said, holding her hand out to me.

I smiled. She wasn't from Australia, because she had that American accent that slightly slurred her words together. "I'm Jenna," I replied, shaking her hand.

She smiled and turned away, resting her head on the back of her seat. The plane began to take off and Tess tried to see over the seats.

"I'm assuming you grew up in Sydney?" she said, looking at me.

I laughed. "Kind of. I lived in America until I was twelve."

"Why'd you move back?"

I shrugged. "All my family's here, and my parents wanted to go back. Where are you from, tourist?"

Tess laughed and I found myself slightly mesmerized by it. "Las Vegas," she answered.


"So where you headed?"

"New York. Liberty, to be exact. You?"

"Heading home. I'm going to school here, so I really want to see my family before the next semester starts up."

I nodded. "I can tell you've been here for a while. You're starting to pick up the Australian accent." I could hear it finding its way into her voice.

"Looks like we're seat buddies for the whole ride."

I smiled and sat back in my seat. I wouldn't mind this ride.

Tay's P.O.V.

As soon as I woke up in the morning, I ran to the bathroom and hurled. I felt like complete shit, which I assumed was from the little "party" the guys and I had last night.

Once I finished, I held my stomach, gasping when I processed that I was in just my underclothes. After rinsing my mouth out, I turned around and ran to my bed, seeing a figure curled up beneath my blankets.

"Son of a bitch," I cursed. I grabbed my shirt and pulled it on, walking back over to my bed. The figure moved and I wanted to just kill myself when I saw who it was. Jenna...fuck I cheated on Jenna.

Cassadee opened her eyes and I immediately got lost in them. Then they widened and she sat straight up in bed, looking down at her half-naked body.

"Did we have sex?" I yelled.

"No, no," she mumbled. "No. I don't- I don't think so. God, please no!"

She stumbled out of my bed and replaced her clothes. We ran downstairs to see the guys passed out in my living room.

"Rob!" we yelled. He groaned and opened his eyes, looking at us.

"Oh, hey," he said, rubbing at his eyes.

"Rob, what happened with me and Tay last night?" Cassadee asked quickly.

"Uh, Tay was drunk flirting with you. She started stripping. You took her to bed. She said something about only sleeping if you stripped too."

"So no sex."


"Thank God," I sighed, and then looked at Cassadee. "Not that I wouldn't have like it, just, well-"

"Yeah," she said quickly. "Yeah it wouldn't have been bad-"

"Yeah but it wouldn't have been good. Like, I mean-"

"Well, it probably would've been... good. But-"


"And Rian."

Rob was staring at us with a confused look on his face that was actually kind of cute. "I have a feeling Mike and Cameron made out last night."

Cassadee started laughing. "Mike tried to make out with Cam."

Rob laughed as well. "That makes sense."

"Wow," I said. "Mike really does get gay when he's drunk."

They both laughed and my phone started ringing. I walked back upstairs and answered my phone after seeing that it was Alex.

"Hey," I answered. "What's up?"

"Hey, is Cassadee there with you? Rian just wants to know because she hasn't been answering her phone."

"Yeah, she's here. Um... Can I talk to you?"

"Yeah, sure. Actually, we're coming to pick up Cassadee. Maybe you and I could go get some coffee?"

"Yeah! Sure!"

Alex laughed on the other end. "Eager to get out?"

"I'm dying over here."

"That's called aging." I giggled. "We're on our way."

"Alright. See you soon. Bye."

"Bye." He hung up and I decided to get changed. When I finished getting ready, doing my makeup and everything, I walked downstairs. Rob immediately stopped talking to Jordan and Cassadee and they all looked at me.

Their jaws dropped and I furrowed my eyebrows looking down at my clothes.

"You look..." Rob started.

"Hot," Cassadee finished, and the guys nodded in agreement. My cheeks flushed. "Where are you going all dressed up like that?"

"Uh, coffee..."

Jordan laughed. "Who are you going with? Ryan Gosling?"

"Alex, but close enough."

The three started laughing and I walked into the kitchen to start cleaning up the mess from the night before. Then I felt a pair of arms wrap themselves around my waist. I quickly turned around and saw Alex grinning.

At least he stopped grinning when he checked me out.

"Those jeans look great on you," he commented. "All of that looks great on"

I shrugged, not really understanding what the big deal was. I was just wearing black skinny jeans, combat boots, a black t-shirt, and my bomber jacket.

"Ready to go?" he asked.

"Yeah. Boys! You're on cleanup duty!" They groaned from the living room and I smiled at Alex. "Let's go."

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