The Name

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Tay's P.O.V.

"Love, I'm home!"

I turned the volume on the television down a little and turned. "In the living room!" I called back.

The air around me changed and I bit my lip. Jenna let out a small breath.

"I got you something," she whispered in my ear.


"Close your eyes."

With a confused look, I closed my eyes. The front door opened again, then closed. Something was set on my lap, and then something was...licking me?

"Jenna, no," I groaned.

I heard her laugh so I opened my eyes.

"Oh, my God!" I yelled.

The small puppy in my lap barked at me and began to wag her tail, and I smiled.


She laughed and sat down beside me on the couch, reaching out to pet the dog. "You like her?" she asked.

"Oh, my God, yes!" I pulled Jenna into a hug, the dog barking happily and starting to nibble at me. "She's so freaking cute!"

"Cuter than me?"

"Definitely not." The dog barked. "I'm not saying you aren't cute." I got my face licked again. "Lovely."

"Well, what are you going to name her?"

"Hm... If you were a boy I would name you Sirius." I lifted the puppy up to my face and she nibbled on my nose, which I scrunched up. "I'm gonna name you Nala."

I just instantly knew that Jenna rolled her eyes. "You're such a nerd," she said.

I don't think "nerd" has ever sounded like such a hot word. "Hey, you told me to name her."

Jenna gave a cute shrug and rested her head on my shoulder, reaching out to pet Nala. "Her personality reminds me of yours."

"What? Barks a lot? Licks people when I'm happy?"

She laughed. "No, silly." I smiled at how adorable she sounded when she said it. "She's very energetic and really sweet."

"Ah. Well, thank you."

"Mhm." We kissed and then I felt Nala lick the side of my face, causing me and Jenna to laugh. "Isn't a bit ironic that you named your dog after a cat?"

"Pft, no...yes. Maybe, okay? We need to go pet stuff shopping."

"I knew I was forgetting something!" Jenna reached a hand into her jacket pocket and Nala pushed her ears forward, looking down at Jenna's pocket. She began to paw at it as I petted the back of her head and Jen pulled out a little rope, tied at both ends.

Nala jumped off my lap and sat on the floor, her tail wagging as she looked up at Jenna. As soon as she tossed the rope, Nala leapt and grabbed it between her teeth, letting out that little puppy growl. I laughed as Jenna struggled to tug back on it, but finally gave up as Nala pranced to a blanket in the corner of the room, laid down, and began to tug on her new toy.

"I think that is the cutest dog I have ever seen," I said. "Thank you so much."

"Anything for you, love." Jenna kissed me lightly and I smiled at her. "I think you're the cutest girl I have ever seen." I made a face and Jenna laughed adorably. "Especially when you make that face. Oh, my God, that was adorable."

I cocked an eyebrow. "You're delusional."

Jenna's P.O.V.

Tay and I made a quick stop back to the pet store--the third time that day--and bought Nala some dry food, a couple more toys, a collar, and a leash. We figured we'd just use some of Tay's bowls for her food and water and get Nala her own after a while.

When we got home, Tay took to getting Nala set up while I started to cook us dinner. Soon, I heard a jingle and Nala jumped up on me, barking.

"I agree," Tay said, walking up to me.

I laughed. "Are you two spreading rumors about me?"


Nala barked again and ran off, so I turned from the stove and pulled Tay into a kiss, our arms around each other. I heard Nala's collar again and we pulled away to see the little puppy standing in the middle of the kitchen with her rope in her mouth. She lowered her head and I smiled, hunkering down a bit. I made a quick move and Nala ran away, causing Tay to laugh.

After we ate, feeding little Nala as well, we all cuddled up on the couch, Nala finding her way between us. We ended up watching The Lion King again, and Tay kept her own Nala close to her. Not even halfway through the movie, both fell asleep in my arms, causing me to laugh quietly.

I took the dog out to the bathroom and then brought her back inside to see that Tay had curled her body around a pillow. I turned the television off, and the DVD player, and the lights, and lifted Tay in my arms, carrying her upstairs. Nala ran happily beside me, barking a little.

"Shush," I whispered. Nala ran downstairs and soon shot to the top with her tennis ball in her mouth.

I set Tay in the bed and just as I started to climb in, Nala started pawing at me. Sighing, I lifted the blanket up a little and the dog wedged her way between me and Tay, letting out a content puppy sigh. After I wrapped my arm around Tay's sleeping body, Nala moved a little and I lifted the blanket to see her head resting on Tay's leg. I laughed quietly and released the blanket before cuddling Tay and falling asleep.

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