The Mistake

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Tay's P.O.V.

When I woke up, it was noon, which made a few tears come to my eyes before I had even moved. I was alone in my bed, like old tradition, and all of Jenna's stuff was gone. It was almost as if she had never even been with me.

My phone buzzed and I rolled over on my other side to grab my phone while I squinted at the sunlight. I had three texts: one from Jordan, one from Lindsey, and one from an unknown number.

From Jordan:

Aww <3 you two are so cute. Tell Jenna I'm happy for you guys #Jenlor5ever

I laughed and texted him back a thank you.

From Lindsey:

Hey whore wake up because I love you and I want coffee!

I rolled my eyes and decided I'd get back to her later.

From unknown number:

Uh hi Tay...God I hope this is the right number. It's Cassadee Pope from the party yesterday... Alex gave me your number. I was wondering if you wanted to grab a bite to eat? Just us girls :)

I furrowed my eyebrows and then nodded as though Cassadee was with me.

Me: Yeah sure! Sorry I just woke up. I'm lazy .-.

After saving Cassadee's number into my phone, I placed it in the pocket of my sweatshirt and walked downstairs to find the television still on and The Lion King case open on the floor. Sighing, I walked into the kitchen, but immediately forgot what I was going to do. Which didn't really matter because my phone buzzed again.

From Cassadee:

Omg yay! Awesome!

From Cassadee:

Oh, wait what time .-.

To Cassadee:

Give me a half hour :D

From Cassadee:

Cool cool see you in a bit <3

I smiled a little and put my phone away, heading back upstairs to get ready. Soon, there was a knock on the front door and I called for them to wait a second.

Sliding my beanie on, I ran down the stairs to answer the door. When I opened it, Cassadee stood there.

"Hiya," she said, waving a little.

I laughed. "Hiya. You can come in, if you want. I just gotta grab my phone and something else."

She nodded and walked in after me, closing the door before she made her way over to the couch. I ran upstairs and grabbed my phone and the necklace from Jenna, which I put on.

Then I walked back downstairs and saw Cassadee looking at a picture hanging on the wall.

"Is this you and Jenna?" she asked, looking at me.

Walking over to her, I nodded. "Yeah. It was the last Fourth of July we celebrated together." I stared at the picture and sighed. Jenna and I were standing side-by-side, our arms around each other's shoulders and two fingers up behind each other's heads. We were grinning stupidly, our shorts and hair and tank tops soaking wet because we had been swimming that day.

Cassadee's eyes softened as she looked at me, and I felt a small tears escape from my eye, so I wiped it away.

"Um, do you wanna go?" I asked with a shaky breath.

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