The Final Chapter

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Tay's P.O.V.

I woke up to Nala barking and Jenna laughing downstairs. After stretching, I climbed out of bed and walked downstairs to see the two of them rolling around on the floor, playing with that little rope. As soon as she saw me, Nala ran over and jumped up on me, barking.

"Hey, little one," I said, picking the dog up in my arms. Nala licked my face and I giggled, scrunching up my nose.

"Good morning, beautiful," Jenna said, standing up to wrap her arms around me from behind.

"Mhm, good morning." I turned my head a little and we kissed.

I set Nala back down on the floor and Jenna took me in her arms again, giving a cute half-smile. "I love you."

"I love you more," I replied, wrapping my arms around her neck.

Jenna shook her head. "Why must you turn this place into a den of lies?"

I laughed, hard. "What?"

"Oh, my God, I love your laugh."

Her comment caused me to smile and blush. "I hate my laugh."

"It's so cute, though. I love it. I want it as my ringtone. Either your laugh or when you sing Hakuna Matata because that's really adorable."

"Whatever. I'm hungry." Nala jumped up on me, her ears pushed forward. "What? Do you know what that means already?"

Nala barked and Jenna laughed at her, walking into the kitchen.

"Nala!" Jenna whistled and the puppy took off after her, sliding on the kitchen floor. She fed her before running back into the living room and tackling me to the couch. "I love you, a whole lot."

"I still love you more."

Jenna rolled her eyes. "Bullshit."

I laughed at how cute she sounded. "Oh, my God I love when you swear. It sounds so cute."

She made a cute face and bit her lip. "Okay, okay, so... hi."

"Hi," I laughed out, grinning like an idiot.

Nala's collar started jingling and she jumped up onto the couch with us, pawing at Jenna's hand and nibbling on it. I laughed and Jenna stuck her tongue out at the dog, which only made me laugh more.

Eventually, we decided to meet up with the guys for brunch and--sadly--we had to put Nala away in her little puppy crate. We left her with her toys and water before heading out.

"Tay!" Mike yelled when he saw me. Jenna and I hugged the guys and said hello before sitting down.

"Wait!" Rob yelled. "Girl, you better spill."

I tilted my head and Jordan gasped, placing his hand over his mouth in a dramatic way. "Ooh, girl."

"Girl, you better give the deets," Cameron said.

"Mhm hm, girl," Mike said. "That ring ain't gonna explain itself."

The four of them gave me their sassiest looks and Jenna just laughed. "We're engaged."

"Ooh, girl! Get it!" Rob yelled.

Jenna rolled her eyes while I laughed, and the door to the diner opened. Alex saw us and motioned outside, so I nodded and excused myself from the table.

Once we got outside, Alex grabbed my hands. "Tay, I'm sorry for how I acted yesterday," he apologized quickly. "I was really upset, but I shouldn't have said anything. You're happy and that's all that matters."

I smiled. "Thanks, Lex."

He let out a relieved-but-nervous laugh. "Mind if I join you guys for food?"

"You may join us," I said with a grin.

Jenna's P.O.V.

We all hung out for the rest of the day. Our little group didn't stay out too late, but we were back to Tay's house by four o'clock. The guys met and played with little Nala while Tay and I set to making a bunch of snacks for the seven of us. We hardly got anything done because Tay kept messing with me.

To make a long story short, there was chocolate batter all over the floor.

I made everyone pizza rolls and then for some reason Tay and I made brownies--the reason there was batter on our kitchen floor--and then we all hung out. We had the television on, the food out, the dog running around the living room with her toys.

Everything was absolutely perfect in the way that it was. I could see this life with Tay; family over, kids playing in the living room with the dog while the adults talked in the kitchen. I could see any life with Tay, because that was really all I needed.

The rest of the night was spent playing Uno--for reasons still unknown--and every one of us discovered the competitive side of us. Especially Jordan.

"NO DAMMIT!" he yelled as Tay laid down a card.

We all laughed as Jordan made an angry face and drew four cards.

"The color's green," Tay said.

"Fuck!" Jordan drew about six more cards before finally laying down a green one.

Once everyone had left, around ten o'clock, Tay and I decided to retire to bed. As we cleaned up the living room, she stopped me with a smile.

"I can't wait to grow old with you," she said cheekily.

"Funny," I started, picking up an empty bowl, "I've been thinking the same thing about you all night."


Hey hey hey! This story is done! Let's be honest here, this is the most dedicated I have ever been to a story and....

*drum roll*

THERE WILL BE A SEQUEL! The sequel is called Kiss Me Softly, and you hardcore Jardougall shippers get your little children. I'll let the story do the rest of the talking :)

If you liked this story, please comment, vote, add, share, draw on it, call me names idk do something please. You can also check out some of my other stories (I highly recommend getting out of the same country as Anklebiters and Another Day) and also please comment on those. You guys were awesome with your comments on this story--you were cracking me up!

I hope you enjoyed this, because I really enjoyed writing this.

Enjoy the Tay GIF on the side :)

Much love <3

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