The "Talk"

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Tay's P.O.V.

"W-wait," Alex said, cutting me off as I struggled to catch my breath. "Okay, first off: are you sure that you ordered decaf?" He pointed to my mug and I nodded quickly. "Did you tell Jenna about all of this?"

"I don't think so," I said quickly. "Not that I can remember. And besides, when she was here she thought we had something going on, but nothing! I only find her attractive. I don't understand..."

"Tay, you were drunk. It's okay."

"Drunk or not, I cheated on my girlfriend." I slumped down in my seat, my hands still holding my coffee cup.

Alex sighed and reached his hands out, grabbing my own. He stared into my eyes. "Tay. Can I tell you something?"

I nodded slowly and he swallowed nervously.

" goes... I'm in love with you."


"No, give me a chance to say what I have to say." I gave him a sad look, but kept my mouth shut. "I've been in love with you since I met you. Because I love you, I'm going to help you fix this. I believe that you never did this on purpose, you definitely never intended to make out with Cassadee because you love Jenna. As much as it hurts that you don't love me back, I want to help you because Jenna makes you happy. She is that missing piece that I always hoped to be in your life. When she was gone, you just curled up into a ball, and slowly withered away. When she came back, I saw that beautiful smile of yours again, and it was the best thing I had ever seen. I want you to be whole again, and I'm going to be by your side through this, no matter what happens with you and Jenna."

I bit my lip and Alex sighed.

"Also, your lip biting makes it really hard to not kiss you."

I suppressed a laugh. "Alex, thank you. For everything. I have to go call Jenna."

He nodded and gave a half smile, one that made my spirits lift up a little more. I kissed his cheek, causing him to blush, and then I walked outside to call Jenna.

After a few rings, she finally picked up, sounding tired. "Hey," she mumbled.

"You okay?" I asked, worried. Jenna was always happy, and I knew that when she wasn't happy, then something was definitely wrong. It took a lot to bring her down.

"Look, um, can we talk later, maybe? I'm kind of busy."

"Oh, uh...okay..."

"And Tay?"


Jenna sighed quietly on the other end. "I know about you and Cassadee..." I swear to God, I nearly passed out. "I just want you to know that it doesn't matter to me. I understand the whole situation, and your reason, and, as much as it hurts that it happen, I'm not pissed at you. I still love you with everything I've got."

I smiled a little. "I love you, too."

"Okay, I really gotta go, love. I'll talk to you later."

"Okay, bye..." Jenna hung up and I let out a breath, running my fingers through my hair.

"You know," came Alex's voice, and I jumped, "that also does wonders to me."

I smiled and smacked him in the arm. He led me over to his car and opened the passenger seat for me before climbing into the driver's side.

We drove in silence for a while before Alex spoke up. "So, my parents said that your mom invited us to dinner tonight," he said.

I looked at him. "I didn't even know there was a dinner tonight," I admitted with a groan. Alex looked at me with an amused smile as we pulled into my driveway.

"Be my date?" he asked, and I laughed.

"Okay," I said, laughing.

I started walking up to my house and Alex stuck his head out the window. "Dress sexy, yeah?"

I laughed again. "Sure."

Alex smiled and I walked inside, immediately being pulled into a hug from Jordan. When I pulled away, my jaw dropped open.

"My house," I started.

"You like it?" Rob asked, leaning on the vacuum.

"It-it's clean! This is the most work you've done in years! I'm so proud of you!"

Jenna's P.O.V.

I woke up with my head resting on someone else's head, their head on my shoulder. I slowly lifted my head and rubbed my eyes, looking down at Tess while she slept. She moved a little, making those adorable sleepy moans like Tay did in her sleep.

I turned my attention to the window and watched the city move below us. The flight attendant announced that we would be landing soon, and Tess slowly lifted her head, smiling up at me.

"Hey," she said sleepily.

"Hey," I replied with a laugh. She bent down and grabbed her purse, setting it in her lap.

Soon, we landed. I insisted on grabbing Tess's suitcase for her, so I did and grabbed my own, following her out of the plane. Once we were outside, she asked which way I was going.

"That way," I replied, pointing to my right.

She gave me a sad look. "Looks like this is where we part ways." I nodded and she scratched her arm nervously. "Um, do you think we could exchange numbers? You know, in case we're seat buddies again..."

"Sure." We exchanged phone numbers and said our goodbyes.

I boarded the next plane and stored my bag, sitting down in my seat. Then we took off.

After what seemed like forever, the plane landed in New York, and I rubbed my eyes, wishing I had gotten a little more sleep. I called Sam after I got off the plane and she picked up quickly.

"Hi," she said happily.

"Hi," I replied. "I'm going to cut straight to the chase: I'm in New York."

Sam squealed. "Come over to our house. Tay's out for the night, but when she gets back she'll be so happy."

I smiled and pushed my way through the crowd until I was outside. "So, um, do you think I might get a ride, maybe?"

"Oh! Yeah! I'm on my way, promise. See you soon."

"Thank you so much."

"Of course. Okay, 'bye."


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