The Argument

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Tay's P.O.V.

"I think you need to settle for the makeup option," I told Jenna, pointing at her hickey sitting on her collarbone. She sighed and pulled the collar of her t-shirt down a little more as I pulled out concealer and tan foundation. I grabbed the makeup brush and lightly applied the concealer onto the hickey. Then I applied the foundation and soon, it was blending in with her skin. She gently set the collar back over it and grabbed my hand, intertwining our fingers.

"I hate you for that," she whispered as we walked into my mom's house.

I gasped in feigned hurt. "Hurtful."

Jenna smiled and closed the door behind us. We walked into the living room, which had a bunch of people in it. Cousins, my mom, my siblings, the Panagakos's, more family left and right.

Oh, and Alex, Jack, two other guys, and their families.

Jenna and I quickly popped around, saying hello to everyone before ending up at Alex's group.

"Hey," he said quietly.

"Hey," I replied. We awkwardly hugged before he and Jenna made eye contact.

Jack pulled me into a tight hug and I struggled in his arms. For a lanky guy, he sure had a tight grip.

"Hey, Jack," I said, smiling a little.

"Hey," he replied, drawing it out. "And who is this beauty?" He looked Jenna over and she laughed.

"That's my girlfriend," I replied sternly. "No touching."

"Aw." Jack started pointing before Alex pointed to the other two guys.

"That's Zack Merrick and Rian Dawson."

The muscular one, Zack, held his hand out to me, which I shook. He had dirty blonde hair and a cute smile. The other one, Rian, shook my hand as well. He had brown hair, but his head was shaved, and he also had a cute smile. Zack was definitely more attractive to me.

Jenna awkwardly said hello to them as well before the six of us made our way out back.

"Wait, where's Cass?" Zack asked Rian.

"Oh, I'll go get her," he replied. Rian walked back inside and the rest of us sat down in the patio chairs, Jenna pulling me into her lap.

"So what's been up, Jardine?" Jack asked. "Y'know, besides pickin' up hot chicks."

"I'm not hot," Jenna declared.

"And she has an accent? You're killing me over here! Where are you from?"

"Sydney, Australia. Born and semi-raised."

"Holy shit," Zack said. "You went to our school. I remember you."

Jenna smiled and soon, Rian walked out of the house with a cute girl behind him. She had long, brown hair, and really mesmerizing eyes. She was wearing a tight, black dress and I have to say, she looked really hot in it. I was nudged by Jenna and I looked back at her.

"Hey," she scolded quietly.

"I can't be the only one who did a double-take," I whispered.

She shrugged and Rian introduced the girl as his girlfriend Cassadee Pope. She waved to us and they took their seats.

"I'm gonna go get a beer," Jack said happily.

"Ooh, me too," Jenna said. She kissed my neck and moved me out of her lap so she could follow Jack.

"Get me one," the guys called.

"Come get it yourself," Jack replied.

They all groaned.

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