Chapter 20

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My Blood


[If this subject matter makes you uncomfortable I have a short summary at the bottom in bold]

I'm cursed. This demon inside of me will be the end of all life. Hopefully, this blood that drips from our wrists wipes both of us out. I squeeze and slice the skin of my thigh allowing the horrors of my life to drain from me. With all this relief comes doubt; I doubt my sanity and future.

What causes me to do this you ask? The prison, his mother, his betrayal and this demon. That's why I'm bleeding. To escape this hell called my life.

"Amanda, why are you crying?" His voice pulls me out of my trance. I'm no longer blind to my true actions. How could I? How could I be so selfish? I become frazzled and search for ways to heal my wounds. He continues to plead but I have no attention to spare for him. I have to focus on the task at hand. I choke on my sobs as I watch my blood dance with the falling water.

Soon his footsteps drift away and I find myself wrapping the wounds in toilet paper. My phone sings a small song drawing my attention. I unlock it to discover that I received a message from an unfamiliar number.

Unknown: There's a first aid kit under the sink.

My heart skips a beat and I choke on the thought of being watched. I hesitantly peek under the sink to find what it promised.

Me: Who are you?

Unknown: No comment

My mind but can't help but to point all fingers at Jin. Who else would have the power to obtain such access to me? But the question is, if he knows where I am, then why doesn't he have me already?

My phone shouts again causing me to jump.

Unknown: Don't be scared. I want to help you.

This is unlike the Jin I know. He's threatening and hot-headed. He never plays nice, something is wrong. He must be at some sort of disadvantage.

Me: How'd you know?

Unknown: No comment

Me: Can you see me?

Uknown: Yes.

That one word sends a million shivers down my spine. My stomach trembles making me want to gag.

Me: What do you want Jin?

Unknown: That's not my name.

Me: Who are you and why are you contacting me?

Unknown: I don't believe that we have met yet but I'm positive that you've heard of me, I am known as RED and I'd like to help you.

My heart stands still. I swirl in my head trying to process the horror story on this shattered screen. I gather my courage in my words and respond.

Me: I see.

RED: I'm aware of you're situation. You need to get out of that house as soon as possible and I can do that for you. If you'd like I could escort you tonight.

Me: In return for?

RED: Nothing

Me: How so? I know you want the money.

RED: Incorrect. Jin and Yoongi are both enemies of me. It makes my life much more difficult if either were to harbor you. If you allow me to help you I will free you.

Me: What makes you think that I can trust you?

RED: You don't. But do you really have a choice?

Me: I see your point.

RED: Would you like me to come get you?

I catch my eye in the mirror. I study my face. My puffy eyes are red and cheeks are stained with old tears. Dried blood sits on my forehead and my frown sags my face. I'm miserable. Is RED such a bad option? How much closer to my grave can I get? I have slices on my wrist, the man I love betrayed me and there a demon within me. Is RED hope?

Me: Yes.

This chapter is told from Amanda's point of view when she isolated herself in the bathroom. She is severely depressed and resorts to self-harm. She describes her life as a hell and that there is a demon inside of her that will end all life (metaphorically). Once Yoongi hears her sobs he pleads at the door waking her from her trance. She becomes aware of the seriousness of her injuries and frantically aids them. Moments later after Yoongi surrenders and goes to investigate the cause of her distress. She then receives a message from an unknown number. He informs her of a first aid kit under the sink. This sent chills down her spine but she was determined to discover who this was and what they wanted. The person claimed to want to help her escape. She believed it was Jin setting a trap. Later in the conversation, the unknown messenger reveals that it is no other than the mysterious RED. His goal and help her escape for no price in return. RED claims that both Yoongi and Jin are enemies of him and he doesn't want anyone of them gaining power. Amanda weighs her options then decides to say 'Yes' to RED. 

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