The meeting

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Lauren P.O.V

I was up in my chambers with my big sister Arwen. She was helping me to find a dress for me for this "secret meeting" ada (Lord Elrond) told me I had to go to. Arwen took out a beautiful green dress (Anna's dress from frozen) " You look gorgeous, Lauren" Arwen said as she put hair in a cute elf braid

" I'm not going to this meeting so I can show off my good looks, I'm going to this meeting to talk about a very serious situation" I pointed out. Then my best friend Pheobe came barging through the door

" Pheobe its so good to see you" I said holding out my arms to give her a hug " Uh no smudging my masterpiece" Arwen said stopping me and making me sit back down "She's right" she said.

"What are you doing here anyway?" I asked as Arwen continued to fix up my hair. "Well, you see, your father told me to come and tell you that the meeting is in a few minutes and he would like you to be down in a few minutes" she told me and I thanked her. As she was shuting the door, Arwen and I heard some horses and I thought they must be the people ada invited for the meeting.

And then I saw him the well known prince Legolas of Mirkwood. God he really gets on my nerves that guy.

I then stormed out of my chambers with Arwen not too far behind me, she also hated Legolas after what he did to me not long ago.

When we found our father I was soo angry that I didn't bother asking if I could talk to him. "YOU INVITED LEGOLAS" I yelled at him. "He needed to come because he is the prince of Mirkwood"He told me, he tried to calm me down but just before I could say anything else, Arwen came into the room and said that the guest were waiting and he then told me that we will talk about this later


When Legolas came into the room I gave him an evil look and then looked away trying to pretend that he doesn't exist. You could see that he had a guilty look in his eye and then father got up and started to speak." Welcome, friends of old, friends of new. We are called for one thing and one thing only, bring forth the ring, Frodo" The little Hobbit was quite nervous but without hesitation he put the ring on the stand. the looks othe men had were disturbed, entranced or puzzled.

"It is a gift, a gift from the foes of Mordor. Why not use this ring? and then we could put an end of all of Saron's filthy kind" A proud looking guy who seemedpleased with his idea, me on the other hand, flinched at the name of Saron which is really weird, even for me but then ada gave me a look that looked like he was expecting it

But then my old friend Aragorn got up and said "You cannot weild it, none of us can, it has one master and that is Saron" "And what would a mere ranger no of this matter" asked the guy who was talking before. That's when I couldn't take it anymore, and i got up as quickly as i could and reached for my bow and arrow but then I got a very painful stabbing feeling through my head and i just collapsed onto the floor everyone gathering around me and all I could here was the ring talking to me as if i should know all about it.

I woke up to still be in the council meeting and all the boys tried to help me up especially Legolas, but I just told them I was fine. "This is no mere ranger, he is Aragorn son of Arathorn and he is the heir to the throne of Gondor"I said and the man sat down with a look of anger and embarrassment.

"You have only one choice, the ring must be destroyed" said ada and that's when red bearded dwarf named Gimli tried to destroy it with his axe but instead the axe broke and the ring didn't have as much as a marking on it. "You cannot destroy the ring with any weapon we here posses Gimli, son of Gloin. It must be taken into the heart of Mount Doom and cast into the fires from which it was made, one of you must do this" ada said

"One does not simply walk into Mordor with the eye lidless and more than orcs guarding it, not even with 10 thousand could you do this, it is folly" I had just about had enough of this guys ignorance.

"Have you heard nothing what Lord Elrond has said, the ring must be destroyed" said Legolas and I just pretended that he didn't say anything. Then a big fight happened between men, dwarf and elf. Then young Frodo stepped up and tried to say something but everyone was too busy bickering that no one heard him

"OI SHUT IT!!" I yelled then everyone went quite "I will take the ring to Mordor ..... although i do not know the way" he said. "I will go along with you young Frodo as long as its your burden to bear" said Gandalf. "by life or death I can protect you and I will you have my sword" Aragorn said bowing to Frodo.

" And you have my bow"  Said Legolas

"And my axe" said Gimli

"You carry the fate of us all little one" said the guy who insulted Aragorn before.

Then father gave me  a look that was saying I had to go aswell so I let out a big huff and finally said "Count me in to" everyone looked really pleased that I was going along, even Legolas "Wipe that grin off your face Greenleaf" I told Legolas and then Gimli let out a little chuckle.

Then out of the bushes a voice came out and said " Mr Frodo isn't going anywhere without me"

"No need, its hardly possible to separate you even when he is invited to a secret meeting and you are not"

"Oi we're coming too and you'll have to tie us up in a sack to stop us" said another Hobbit

"Anyway you'll need people of intelligence on this mission... quest .....thing" said another hobbit

"10 companions, very well, you are known as the fellowship of the ring" said ada

"Great where are we going?" asked one of the hobbits and I couldn't help but laugh.

Hey guys just letting you know that I'll be changing bits of the story here and there

So please vote and comment thanks so much

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