Missing the point

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Lauren P.O.V

"You did brilliantly, my wife" Sauron said. I felt a lot of power and the need of revenge go through me. "Go! Make my army stronger and ready for battle...the battle of Gondor" Sauron said to the orc that was in the room

My dad came up to me, and pulled me away from Sauron. "Dad, what is it, you look like your hiding something" I said. He looked me in the eye. "I was lying before when I told you about your mothers death" he said. "What do you mean?" I asked

"Your mother was killed by...." "Darling, it's time for you to go to Gondor" Sauron interrupted. "Sorry Dad, you can tell me when I come back" I said smiling "Of course" he said and I left

I got on a horse that Sauron gave me, it was black and his was nightmare. I led the army to Gondor and the Elf and the stupid wizard will die by my power.

Gandalf P.O.V

I saw the army of orcs coming towards us, I knew Lauren would be with them,  then it would be the right time to grab her and get some answers out of her, we kneeded to get to the bottom of this.

The orcs started attacking the walls of Minas Tirith, if the Steward of Gondor isn't going to do something about this, then I will.

The soldiers were fighting and I got a couple of good hits, but I was trying to find Lauren. Then I found her, she was battling three soldiers, she defeated them, she saw me and I could swear that I saw her eyes turn red. She ran towards me and my staff collided with hers, "Do you remember what I told you and the Elf at Helm's Deep? You will die by my sword" she snarled. "Lauren, what happened yo you at Isengaurd?" I asked her. "Now isn't time for a chat, old man, this is my time to destroy you" she said while kicking me back.

"You will not kill him or me" said a voice from behind me, I turned around and saw Legolas. "Awww, the Elf comes to save the day" she teased. I got myself off the ground and grabbed my staff. "Lauren, please listen to me, this is not you, let us help you" Legolas said holding out his hand but she just laughed. "I don't know who or what your talking about, but I am certain that those will be your last words you ever speak" she raised her staff but she stood there for a moment and then fell to the ground, we looked and saw Gimli holding his axe upsidedown. "I knocked her out for you and you look at me with annoyed facial expressions, I expected a little more appreciation" he said and I let out a little chuckle.

"We better get her inside, before anything else happens" Legolas suggested, I nodded and he carried her up to the palace dodging all the orcs that were running past.

"Gandalf, Denothor has lost his mind! He's burning Farimir alive! Pippin yelled while running towards me, then Shadowfax came up behind me and I hoped on top of him. "Come on, up, quickly" he hoped on aswel and we rode towards the palace. Shadowfax burst down the door and we saw Farimir lying on top of a pile of firewood, Denothor is standing by him, he poured oil all over himself, and had his arms out like he was ready to die, his servants were walking closer to the wood with torches in their hands. Denothor saw us and grabbed one of the torches and threw it onto the wood.

I knocked Denothor off and Pippin jumped onto the wood and rolled Farimir off. "No, no, you will not take my son away from me" he snarled while gripping onto Pippin shirt.

I nudged Denothor and he fell into the pile of burning wood. Farimir was starting to wake up, Denothor looked at his son in disbelief. "Farimir?" he questioned. Then he noticed he was on fire, so he ran out of the room, and fell if the edge of the wall of Minas Tirith.


Well I hoped you guys liked this chapter, let me know if you would like me to add anything to this story,

Thanx you guys I will update ASAP

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