One wizard less

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Legolas P.O.V

I saw Lauren taking Gandolf to a flight of stairs where she went up while we were fighting off the goblins. We all looked at each other with confusion before we all followed them. After about 10 ..minutes of climbing the stairs, we found them looking at what looked like a grave.

"Gandolf, is it true?" Lauren asked. Gandolf nodded his head and she walked to the other side of the room and she broke down crying. "What happened Gandolf?" Aragorn asked. "She knows" Gandolf stated. Aragorn gasped and ran to her.

"What is going on?" Boromir asked but no one answered him. "How did you know,Aragorn" I heard Lauren ask. "Lord Elrond told me before we left" he said. I was really getting worried for Lauren, first the kraken and now this. then we heard drums and we knew that meant that the goblins were coming. "We make for the bridge" Gandolf said, then we all started to run.

We came into a hallway when we heard a lot of screeching, I guess that was the goblins nearby. Lauren's breathing became very shaky and then she fainted at the worst time imaginable, she landed right in my arms, the goblins gathered all around us. "Do not harm the girl!" One goblin bellowed. The others were just about to get their weapons out when Lauren said something, it made all of us concerned because she spoke in black speech.

She was still unconscious, which made it even more spooky. After she said what she did, all the goblins moved aside and a loud booming sound came from the hallway. "What is this devilry" Boromir asked.

"Run, RUN!!!" Gandolf yelled.

Lauren P.O.V

I opened my eyes to see that I was in Legolas's arms and I couldn't help but blush."Lauren, your awake" Legolas said with relief. "Yeah, what's going on?" I asked noticing that we were running. "We have to get to the bridge" Legolas told me. I asked Legolas if he could put me down and he did, I was able to take a quick glance back and I noticed that A Balrog was behind us.

"You don't need to fight this my child. You could get it over and done with and everything will be grand" Said the voice. I realised that the voice

was Saruman. I shook him out of my head and ran towards the others.

We came to a stair way and there was a big gap in the middle of it. Legolas jumped first and landed perfectly, "Show off" I thought. Then Gandolf jumped, I jumped next and I felt an arrow skim past my face. I turned around and saw a lode of goblins shooting arrows at us.

The others jumped and made it, when it was Frodo's turn, the gap got bigger and the stand where Aragorn and Frodo were was losing it's balance. "Lean forward" Aragorn instructed. They did and they safely were with us again. The Balrog was gaining on us so we ran as fast as our legs could carry us, we came to the bridge and we made our way over it.

Gandolf stopped in the middle and confronted the Balrog. "You shall not pass" Gandolf yelled. I was about to run and help him, but Legolas wrapped his arms around me so I wouldn't run after Gandolf. "You shall not pass" He yelled again. The Balrog took one more step closer to Gandolf, but before he could reach him, Gandolf banged his staff and the side the Balrog was on collapsed. I let out a reliving sigh and Legolas let go of me.

Just then the Balrog threw it's wip and it wrapped around Gandolf's ankle, hefell and was hanging onto the edge. I ran to help him, Legolas was not far behind me, all the others were calling out my name but I ignored them.

"Gandolf, I've got you" I said. "Lauren, let go" he said calmly

"No, I won't" I said. He smiled at me and he slipped out of my grip. "NOO!!!!" I yelled and tears were starting to fall down my face. "Lauren come on, we have to go" Legolas told me, he then carried me out of the mines.

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