The journey starts

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( Sorry if I spelt some of the words wrong)

Morning came quite quickly. I got out of bed feeling half excited and half annoyed, excited because I'll finally be able to see more of middle earth and annoyed because Legolas will be there for the whole time.

Aragorn then came through the door and said that we were all ready to get going. I was just coming down the stairs to eat breakfast, but then something stopped me, I saw Legolas standing in the hallway, staring at a portrait of me and my mother.

"I'm surprised that you look like your mother and Arwen doesn't" he said. "Well I guess it's because Arwen looks more like ada then mother" I was surprised that I didn't yell at him when we talked cause that's what I usually do when we meet.

When we got to the entrance, Gimli gave us a look that made me completely lose it. "And what are you staring at, red head?" I yelled in his face. I guess that since I didn't get to yell at Legolas I yelled at Gimli.

"um nothing m'lady" Gimli said rather scared like. " I'm sorry Gimli, I shouldn't yell at cause I didn't get to yell at Legolas, doesn't mean that I can take my anger out on you." I said to Gimli.

He looked thoughtful for a moment, then he finally said something "I completely understand what you mean, young lassie" I was completely taken back by what he said, I was about to  say something but he beat me to it. "Young Frodo told all his Hobbit friends your tale of woe, and I couldn't help but overhear." I should of known that Frodo would tell the others.

"Is it true that Legolas treated you like that, many years ago?" He asked

"Yes it's true. I only just told him my feelings and then he crushed my spirit like it was nothing" I was just on the edge of getting upset and angry. I realised that Gimli was still near me, so I told him that I should of seen it coming and then he put on a angry look on his face and walked up to Legolas.

"How could you?" He shouted at a confused Legolas "I done know..... " "You had the most beautiful lass and she gave her heart to you and you treated her like filth" Gimli interrupted him.

Legolas P.O.V

I realised what Gimli was talking about and I looked past him to see Lauren trying to contain her giggles.

"Is there anyone in the fellowship that you haven't told about us" I asked trying to keep calm "Well yes, there's Aragorn, Boromir and Gandolf. But I told Frodo and he told the other Hobbits and Gimli overheard them, do you can't really blame me for that" She used that sweet innocent tone that I found really cute. "I guess not" after I said that I left her and went to walk with Aragorn.

We have been walking for many days and nights. Finally we have been able to rest for a while. Boromir was teaching Merry and Pippin how to sword fight while Aragorn watched while smoking his pipe. Lauren was practicing using her bow and arrow on an old target that was left there by an old traveler probably.

Lauren P.O.V

While I was practicing shooting I could overhear Gandolf and Gimli talking about the mines of Moria

"I don't think going through the mines is a good idea, Gimli" I protested. "Exactly, Lauren, the mines are not safe, especially for a sensitive elf like you, Lauren" said Gandolf. What did he mean, a sensitive elf like me? Then right on cue, I felt a slight stabbing pain at the back of my neck, like it did at the meeting.

Legolas noticed the look on my face and he started to walk in my direction. "Are you okay?" he asked. "Why do you care, my prince?" I asked.

"Well I see that you've still got that stubborn attitude that you had all those years ago" he said. "Look, if you're only going to offend me by all your sweet talk and all that stuff princes say, I suggest you get lost before I jab you in the eye with this arrow here" I threatened him.

"Just give it up, Lauren. You know, at least I wasn't the one who eavesdropped on a prince having a conversation with his father" He said and I just couldn't keep it in "Well at least I'm not who forgot about his ow engagement" I bellowed "How many times do we need to go over it? I just forgot" He yelled " How could you forgot about your own bloody....." "Guys, enough, ok?" Aragorn interrupted me.

Just then I heard Boromir yell in pain and looked to see him being tackled down by Merry and Pippin.

"For the shire" One of them shouted.

Then I thought about what Gandolf said about me being a sensitive elf, so I walked up to him and was planning to get some answers from him.

"Gandolf, what did you mean me being a sensitive elf?" I asked and he then went deep into thought. "I guess you were never told about it" said Gandolf "told what?" I asked. He was just about to say something but then Legolas interrupted. "Cerbain from Dunland" he yelled.

"HIDE"Aragorn yelled.

We actually dived onto the ground and behind the rocks. While the birds were flying past I was breathing really loud and shaky, then I felt a hand go over my mouth, I quickly turned around to see Legolas holding my mouth, I really felt like punching his face, but I couldn't, so I waited for the birds to go away. The birds finally went away, and then I pulled Legolas's hand away from my mouth and yelled in his face "Why did you covered my mouth?" he had a very shocked look on his face. "You were breathing so loud that you would of gave away our hiding place" he stated.

"I swear young prince if you weren't soo darn important, I would totally ......." "LAUREN. stop it" said Aragorn. God, he always seems to interrupted

me, and no one else.

"The south pass is being watched" I warned " We must take the pass of Cardrahas" said Gandolf.

Then right on cue, my neck, in the same spot, was feeling really painful, so I gasped, Aragorn and Boromir noticed this and quickly ran to my side.

"Lauren, are you ok" Boromir asked, but before I could answer, Gandolf told us stop all this delaying and told us to hurry up. Legolas has a really annoying smirk on his face.

But he did look quite cute... What are you saying Lauren, you can't like Legolas, he is already engaged to the daughter of lady Galadriel and lord Celborn, which is is your aunt and uncle, you can be friends maybe but no more then that.

Hey guys I really enjoyed writing this chapter and I hope you guys enjoyed reading it

I'm really sorry it took so long but to make it up to you, I will post the next chapter tomorrow cause I've almost finished and I'll try to post the other one the next day.

PLSE vote and comment thanx you guys are awesome

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