What if I don't want to?

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I sat down and was deciding where to start.

"Well before I left Helm's Deep, I heard a voice in my head telling me to go to Mordor, I wasn't going to go but then I heard a specific conversation with an Elf and a Dwarf, I felt quite offended by the conversation, so I decided to go to Mordor anyway, when I got there Sauron was waiting for me. Some of his orcs led me to him, there he ordered his minion to do something, they pinned me down to the ground, they put some kind of yellow goo on my mark, it made it burn which made me scream out in pain, then i blacked out. Then I woke up, i saw that i was in this dress and these black marks were on me, i went up to Sauron and all of a sudden I felt love towards, then his orcs placed my crown on my head, and handed me my staff. When I heard all of you were at Helm's Deep, I felt like I needed you dead, speaking of which, i still do" I said.

"I still don't understand why" said Legolas. "ASK YOU EVIL FATHER, HE'S THE REASON THAT I'M LIKE THIS." I yelled in his face. He looked at me with confusion, "WHAT DOES MY FATHER HAVE TO DO WITH IT!" He yelled in my face. "YOUR FATHER IS THE REASON MY MOTHER IS DEAD, HE KILLED HER!" I yelled. 

Everyone had blank looks on their faces, everyone except Gandalf, his face was calm and peaceful. "I guess your father decided to tell you" he said. "You knew?!" I yelled walking up to him. "I thought you wouldn't need to know" he said calmly. My anger was rising inside of me. I walked over to the door and kicked it down.

"Aragorn, grab her!" Gandalf said. Before I could turn around, arms wrapped themselves around me. I tried wriggling my way out of their grip but it was no good.

"You need to calm down, Lauren, we will get you back to normal" Aragorn whispered in my ear. Gandalf walked over towards us he put his hand on my head and muttered a something, I bet it was a spell.

After he said his enchantment I was looking around the room. "Thats it? I don't know how you could call yourself a wizard" I scoffed. Then Gandalf closed his eyes and pointed his staff at me, my eyes felt quite heavy and before I knew it, I was out.

Legolas P.O.V

Lauren was starting to fall asleep, I didn't want her to go through this, but Gandalf said there was no other way.

I had a ton of questions in my head, Did my father really kill Lauren's mother? Why is Lauren fighting against us? And what has Saruman done to her?

A lot of questions, but no answers. "Now, all we have to do is wait" Gandalf said and he went into a meditating position. "Was there really no other way?" I asked Aragorn. He looked down at the ground and shook his head. "She will be fine, Legolas, she will come back to us and help us take back Middle Earth" Aragorn said, I nodded and walked outside.

Lauren will come back to me, and when we get to the black gate, I will kill Sauron and the orcs that made Lauren turn against us.


We were all getting ready to march to the black gate, Lauren is still unconscious from yesterday, we were putting our armour on, then I heard a loud ear piercing scream.


I ran up to the room Lauren was in, I looked in and saw that the window was shattered, the bed sheets were all torn, "Oh Lauren, what have you gotten yourself into" I said to myself

"GANDALF!" I yelled, then everyone cane into the room. "I guess that Sauron used a special type of poison into her mark" Said Gandalf. "Poison?! Well what are we doing standing here? We've got to help her!" I yelled

"Legolas, we will help her but we have to wait. Remember when I said she was a sensitive Elf? Well what I mean by that is that she can sense things better than ordinary Elfs, and there is a certain type of substance that will effect her differently than it effects others" Gandalf stated

"Just get to the point!" I yelled getting frustrated

"You know how she is a half wizard and half Elf? Well she is technically a spirit Elf" (Don't know if those are real but I just thought of it) Gandalf stated

"But I thought those were extinct" said Gimli, I swear, the dwarves don't know anything about Elfs "Yes Gimli, but one still exists, and Sauron has managed to get her on his side" Aragorn interrupted.

"Now what?" I ask

"Get ready to depart, we'll be leaving soon" Aragorn said, he's sounding and acting like a king more everyday.


So that's what Gandalf meant about her being a sensitive Elf!

Hope you like this chapter soo sorry it took so long

C ya next time

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