Journey to Helm's Deep

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Lauren P.O.V

I was walking towards my chambers, but I then I saw Gandolf looking out on a balcony. I walked towards him, "I can feel that your very confused" he said. He must have heard me. "I just want to know what is the meaning of my life is" I told him.

He put a hand on my shoulder. "You shouldn't worry about the past, Lauren, your place in life will be revealed" he said. I shook my head, I held up the crown that Boromir had left for me. "This is what's confusing me" I said. He took out of my grasp and examined it. "He must've known" Gandolf said with a blank face.

"Must've known what?" I asked him. He didn't answer, he gave me the crown back and he just walked away. Well that didn't help at all, I was left even more confused, what did Boromir knew that I didn't? I was left all alone. I heard footsteps coming towards me. "If your here to cheer me up, you're wasting your time" i yelled with my back still facing towards the person.

"I came to see if your ok" I'd know that voice anywhere, I turned around to see Eowyen. "Sorry Eowyen, I"m still trying to get this whole thing trough my head" I told her. I knew Eowyen because we introduced each other when I first arrived in Rohan, she didn't seem to care if I was Sarumans daughter, it felt nice knowing that some people doesn't care who is in your family.

"It's ok, Lauren, I know it's a lot to take in, but it will work out fine in the end, you'll see" she had a confident look on her face and it made my spirits rise. She and I walked around the palace for the rest of the day, I was happy to call her my friend. Just then I bumped into Legolas, out of all the people to bump into, it had to be Legolas. "Excuse me" I said with my head facing down.

Eowyen P.O.V

I saw Lauren walking off, I looked at Legolas and he was about to say something, but i placed my hand over his mouth. "Don't! Just let her be" I uncovered his mouth and tried to catch up with Lauren. I found her outside at the stables, she was talking to Aragorn, all of a sudden I got a fluttering feeling in my stomach. Lauren walked towards me, but she didn't say anything, she just walked straight passed me.

"Is Everything Ok?" I asked Aragorn. He walked towards me and put a hand on my shoulder. "Lauren just needs sometime alone" he said. I nodded and he walked away, I think my heart is set.

Legolas P.O.V

I walked into the throne room and I saw a young boy and a young girl, who looks like they have traveled a long way, I turned around and saw Lauren sitting alone in a corner, she looked very stressed about something. "This is only a taster of what Saruman and Saron will unleash" said Gandolf. "Lauren, are you ok?" I asked, she raised her eyebrows and said nothing. "Lauren, please talk to me, I really want to hear your voice"

She closed her eyes tightly and open them, when she did, her eyes were all watery, it looked like she was gonna cry. "I'm so sorry Legolas" she said, her voice cracking. "Sorry for what?" I asked confused. "I'm sorry that I haven't been a good friend and I'm sorry that I left the fellowship, I shouldn't have left, I could've saved Boromir and maybe Merry and Pippin wouldn't have been captured and I'm sorry that......" she stopped and broke in to tears and she leaned her head on my chest.

I hugged her tightly and didn't want to let go. "Then what is the kings decision?" Gandolf asked. The room was silent for a moment. "We will go to Helm's Deep" he yelled. Everyone didn't look too happy about that.

Lauren then got out of my grip and walked over to Gandolf. "Gandolf, I need......" "Don't worry you will come with us" he interrupted her. She had a shocked look on her face. "Why does everyone always need to interrupt me and say something completly different?" she asked sounding very annoyed.

"I don't know" Eowyen answered. She then walked through the doors and got a horse ready, and by the looks of her expression, she doesn't want to go. I walked over to Aragorn and I saw he was also looking at Lauren. "I don't think Lauren is quite happy about this situation" I told him. He grinned a little and turned his sight to Gandolf. "Do you think we should tell her?" I asked and he slightly shook his head.

"No, Gandolf doesn't think it's time yet" he said, and I continued to look at Lauren, talking to Eowyen. She seemed really angry about this.


Aragorn P.O.V

I was riding near the front, but I kept on moving back, I needed to find out what was going on with Lauren. I was walking with her and she only had her head downand just wouldn't look up.

"Lauren, what's wrong, you've been acting really angry and upset, for the last few hours" I said. "I'm sorry Aragorn, I don't know what's going on with me" she said. I put my hand on top of hers, we smiled at each other and she saw something that changed her expression, "Did Arwen give you that?" she asked touching the evenstar necklace that was once Arwens. "It was a gift" I said. I didn't want to tell her about Arwen going to the undying lands, she is already under enough pressure.Then we saw Legolas running towards us, he was talking with the king.

Lauren P.O.V

I then felt an arrow go into my shoulder, I screamed in pain. I quickly pulled the arrow out and rode up the hill. I heard Legolas and Aragorn yell out my name, but I ignored them and kept on riding up the hill.

I saw some orcs coming towards me, these orcs were riding wargs. I was about to get my bow and arrow out, but then a dagger came zooming past my face and it hit the orc. I turned around and saw Legolas running towards me. "I wish you would stop acting like my bodyguard, cause I don't need one" I said and got off my horse and continued to fight the orcs.

I was really getting exhausted and I was starting to let my guard down. Then an orc came up behind me and tied my hands together, I tried to struggle myself out of his grip, but it was no use. "LEGOLAS!" I yelled and I saw him look my way and he came running my way, he was fighting a bunch of orcs that were in his way.

The orcs that was holding me pushed me forwards and I tried to set myself free. Then the orc screamed and fell to the floor. I looked up and saw Legolas with his bow in his grip and he was running to me. "Are you ok?" he asked me "Yeah, thank you" I mumbled. He cut the rope that was holding my hands together and he helped me up. When I touched his hand, I felt something slight, something like a spark, maybe I still have feelings for him afterall.

All the orcs have been killed, and it looks like some of our men were killed aswel. "Aragorn!" I heard Gimli yell. Where was he any way? I then heard someone laughing, I followed the noise and saw a orc on the floor with a dagger in his chest. Then Gimli and Legolas came to me and noticed that he seemed a little too happy. "Tell me where he is and I will ease your passing!" Gimli snarled at the orc. "He took a little tumble of the cliff" he laughed. Then Legolas completly lost it. "You lie!" he yelled, then the orc died. I saw something shine in the sunlight and I looked and saw it was Arwens evenstar necklace. I couldnt believe it, he couldnt be dead.

Legolas P.O.V

I walked to the edge of the cliff to see if I could see Aragorn, just then an eagle swooped down and grabbed Lauren. "LAUREN!" Me and Gimli yelled at the same time. I grabbed my bow and arrow and tried to hit the eagle, but it just kept on dodging my arrows. We just lost Aragorn, we can't lose Lauren.


Hey guys sorry it took me soo long but I really got piled up with work, but here is the chapter and I'll try to update ASAP

Plse comment and vote and if you've got any ideas plse let me know and I'll be happy to hear them.


PAST LOVE ( a Legolas fan- fiction)Unde poveștirile trăiesc. Descoperă acum