The unexpected break up

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Aragorn P.O.V

We were all sitting around a table that had plates of food for us, Gimli didn't waste any time and dug right in. I looked over at Legolas and saw that he was staring at a balconey.

"Everthing brings back memories" He told me. He must have heard me coming. "Something is troubling you, mellon" I told him. "Your worried about what's going to happen to Lauren" "Is it that obvious?" He asked and I simply nodded. Everyone could tell that Legolas still had feelings for Lauren, and that she still felt something for him.

We walked over to where everyone else was, and before anyone could say anything, Sam came running to us yelling "SHE'S AWAKE! SHE'S AWAKE!" "How's awake, Sam?" I asked him calmly. You could tell he's been running, he was struggling for breath. "Lauren! She's awake" He said. Everyone's faces lit up, but Legolas was more happier then anyone else.

We stopped at the entrance to the palace and we waited for Lauren to come out. We heard giggling and talking, we assumed that Lauren had a friend with her. She came out into the garden, but she was talking to Cecelia, I was wondering how Legolas was going to take this. When she saw us she froze instantly, her face went from happy and cheery to shocked and bewildered. 

Legolas P.O.V

I was relieved that Lauren was alive and well. Then I saw her cousin was with her, and I completely froze. Cecelia looked at me and she also froze. "Come on guys, let's give these to a minute to themselves" said Lauren. Everyone nodded their head and followed Lauren.

We looked at each other and starting walking towards each other. Then we both started running. "Oh, I've missed you so much" she said hugging me. "I've missed you too" I said. When I saw her I didn't feel the spark I did when I was with Lauren.

I looked at her in the eye and something was different about her too. Maybe it was just me.

Cecelia P.O.V

I was totally happy to see Legolas again, but I haven't seen him for soo long. After about half an hour of catching up I went back into the palace to find Lauren. I heard her humming a little tune and I barged through the door.

"Lauren, I need your help" I stated

"Ok, but first, try to knock" she said

"Ok, as you know, Legolas and I have been engaged for quite a couple of years........." "Well 2 hundred years to be exact" She interrupted me "Yeah, anyway, over those 2 hundreds years...." "Wait, are you trying to tell me your pregnant?" she interrupted "No!!  I've fallen in love with someone else" I told her

"Oh" that was all she said. "Have you told Legolas yet?" She finally said "No, I don't want to break his heart" I said "If I were you, I would tell the guy you like first and see if he likes you too, if he doesn't, you've got Legolas" she pointed out. I could tell that Lauren had feelings for Legolas.

"How is it you love?" she asked

"Haldir" I replied

"Well he is quite handsome" she said

"I want to tell him but I'm afraid of what he'll say" I said. She walked over to me and put one of her hands on my shoulder. "Go talk to him and find out" she smiled at me and strangely, it rebuild my confidence. I nodded my head and I followed her out into the gardens.

It took what seemed like forever to find Haldir, but annoyingly he was in the last place we looked. We found him in the palace courtyard. "Hey Haldir" Lauren yelled. He waved at us and started walking towards us. "What are you doing" I snarled at her "Getting you two together" She said smugly. "Hello Lauren, how do you feel?" he asked, his voice sounds so poetic. "Yes thanks, oh um, this is my cousin, princess........" "Princess Cecelia, I know, I'm her father's head guard" he interrupted her "Now I better be off and see how the young hobbits are doing" she said winking at me.

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