The power's too much

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Legolas P.O.V

Victory was ours, most of the orcs were dead, the ones that were alive retreated back to Mordor. We were all in the throne room, Gandalf was trying to get to Frodo, but nothing so far, Lauren was still unconscious, we were going to get some answers out of her one way or another.

"Frodo has past beyond my sight" Gandalf said after a while. "If Sauron had the ring we would know" said Aragorn, who was looking at one of the banners. "It's only a matter of time" said Gandalf. "Let him stay there, let him rot, why should we care?" asked Gimli, honestly, Dwarves can be so insensitive at times. "Cause thousands of orcs stand inbetween Frodo and Mount Doom, I've sent him to his death" said Gandalf hanging his head in shame.

"No, there is still hope for Frodo, and we can help him" said Aragorn. "How?" Gimli asked. "We draw out Saurons armies, empty his lands, we march to the black gate" Aragorn said, Gimli choked on his pipe. "We can buy Frodo some time if we keep Sauron's eye fixed on us, then Frodo will be able to complete the task" Aragorn finished. "A diversion" I catched on. "Sauron will suspect a trap, he will not take the bait" Gandalf pointed out

"Certainty of death, small chance of success, well what are waiting for asked Gimli.

Lauren P.O.V

I was walking through a dark corridor, with only a few torches lite. I had no idea where I was. "Stop! You can't do this!" someone yelled. I recognize that voice, but who's is it.

"You've given me no choice" said a gruff voice. I saw big black doors infront of me, I opened them and I couldn't believe what I saw.

I was in the Mines of Moria, I saw two people, an Elf and a person wearing a white robe, standing infront of a crib.

"Please, Thranduil, your my friend, please don't kill her, don't kill our daughter" said the Elf. I walked forwards and someone walked right through me. Well thats very rude.

I have a feeling that I recognize this moment, maybe I've seen it before in one of my other dreams, I don't know.
"Please King Thranduil, kill me, I'm the one that Fraya's father hates, just don't hurt Lauren" Wait a minute. My mother's name was Fraya, the baby is me! I guess I must be having a flashback. "MOVE ASIDE" Thranduil asked but they didn't move. Then Thranduil got his sword and was about to run it through my father, but ny mother steeped in front of just in time and Thranduil ram his sword through her. I let out a gasp and I feel to my knees. Father lied it was King Thranduil that killed my mom, not my mother's father.

I saw him move towards me. "Take her to Lord Elrond, she might be able to stay with him" Thranduil said and my father tried to protect me, but Thranduil's soldiers pushed him aside and got me, then they rode off with me.

I looked and saw my father crying over my mom's dead body. A dwarf came up to him and put a hand on his shoulder. "Come on lad, well make sure she's buried in a safe part of the mines" he said and my father nodded.

I felt something pulling me, I was moving further and further away from the scene.


I woke with a jolt, I was crying really badly, I can't believe that my father would lie to me about my moms murderer. I noticed that I was in a little room, where am I.

"Good, your awake" someone said, I looked and saw Legolas standing next to the door. "YOU AGAIN!!!" I yelled and saw my weapons were on a desk on the other side of the room. I grabbed them and got ready to attack. "Wait, I don't want to hurt you" he said while dodging all of my swings.

"Legolas!" someone else shouted, I through one more swing at him and grabbed my staff that was still on the desk. "You know, now I know why your father didn't like me from the start, because I remind him of a certain Elleth that he slaughtered" I hissed. "What are you talking about?" he said. "Oh, I guess your dear ada didn't tell you" I said. Then I felt arms wrap around me and I got pinned to the floor. I hissed and hissed, but they wouldn't let me go.

"We needed you to give us answers, Lauren, we need to know what happened when you left Helm's Deep" Aragorn said kneeling down to me.

"If I tell you, you better release me" I demanded through gritted teeth. He nodded and the men got off of me and I stood up, I was told to sit down, so I grabbed the chair that was under the desk

This is not going to be a fun night.


I really enjoyed writing this chapter, I hope you guys enjoyed reading this

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