The whole story

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Lauren P.O.V

I was screaming my head off and kicking my legs all over the place. My head was starting to hurt,  I stopped screaming and opened my eyes. I noticed that I was nowhere near Helm's Deep, but I was in Isengaurd.

The eagle was flying over the tower and it dropped me.  It dropped me at the top of the tower, I saw someones feet and I looked up and saw my dad.

"Daddy!" I yelled and I hugged him and he hugged me back.

"Oh, my daughter, I've missed you soo much" he said. I felt all my fears melt away, it just like how I use to feel when I was with Legolas. Why did I just think of him?

"Dad, I was wondering if I might be able to get some answers" I told him. He smiled slightly and leaded me inside the tower and he got a couple of orcs to get some refreshments. I then got the crown out of my cloak pocket, I handed to father and he look so shocked. "Where did you get this?" he asked. "Um, Boromir base it made for me when I left the fellowship at Lothlorien" I explained.

"I was hoping you could tell me what is it about this crown that gets everyone so riled up" I said,

He was silent for a while, then he motioned for me to sit down. I did and he sat next to me. "I think it's time you knew the whole story" he said and passed me the crown. "You see, your mother was an Elf, and I was traveling through Fangorn Forest, then I saw her by the lake and I fell in love with her. We were together for a long time and I asked her to marry me and she said yes, everything was perfect" he started "But if everything was perfect then how come people tell me she died of heartbreak?" I asked. 

"Well you see, your mother was from Lothlorien, and she was the sister of Lady Galadriel. That's why you call them aunt and uncle and this crown belonged to the Princess of Lothlorien and it was passed down from mother to daughter for generations, so you are the long lost Princess of Lothlorien." I couldn't believe what I heard I slumped in my chair in shock, and father continued "But her father put her under house arrest because he saw a dark futre for her if she and I got married. But that did not stop her, she escaped in the middle of the night and she rode to Isengaurd to tell me what happened, after she did, we deicide to go into hiding, but that didn't stop her father. Unfortunatly, her father was very close to King Thranduil's father, so they agreed to have Elves from Mirkwood to help search for her, and if they found me they would put me in a dunegeon. We traveled for a long time, but came to the Mines of Moria, we told the Dwarves what happened and suprisingly, they felt very sorry for us, so they let us stay there for as long as we want. Then the heavens blessed us and gave us a beautiful baby girl. and your mother wanted to call you Lauren, it reminded her of one of her friends in Lothlorien, and i loved the name as I loved the child,so we called her Lauren." he said.

I was on the brink of tears, I missed my mother soo much and everything started to make sense, like the crown from Lothlorien, why I called lord Celeborn and Lady Galadriel Uncle and Auntie. "But when her father found out about you, he was furious. He heard where we were and he and his men went to the mines, They found us and her father was so riled up that he wanted you dead. But you mother and I loved you soo much that we wouldn't step aside. just when he was about to thrive his sword into you, your mother step infront and the sword went through her.

Her father hated himself for what he did, so he left me alone, but he understood that you were half wizard and half Elf, so called one of his soldiers to take you to Rivendell, and to put you under Lord Elronds care. I tried to keep you away from them, but it was no use. I was tearing all over the place when they took you, the Dwarves agreed to bury your mother in the mines and that's where you saw the grave. Finally I went back to Isengaurd and tried to think of a way to get you back, but then I heard that the One Ring was found and that there was a fellowship, and I also heard you were part of it. So I tried everything to get you to come to me, but when you found the grave I knew you'd be asking questions, so I transported myself to Lothlorein to see if you were there, and thankfully you were, but when I heard you left Lothlorien, I tried taking over King Theodens mind and when you came to Rohan, it all worked out just like I wanted." He finished and i couldn't hold back the tears.

Me and my father were hugging each other for a long time, then i heard a screeching sound and I saw a little ball on a stand in a different room. "Father, what's that?" I ask him. I walked over to the ball and I saw The Eye of Saron. My breathing became very heavy, and I started to lose my balance.

Saruman P.O.V

I saw my daughter looking pale as I followed her to the Palantir. The Eye Of Saron was starting right at us. "Ahh, she is even more beautiful than you described" Saron said

"I will be the luckiest person in the whole of Middle Earth" I looked at Lauren and she looked at me confused. "Darling, Saron and I made an agreement, if he helped me find you and didn't harm you in any way, then I will give him you hand" I told her holding her hands.

"So, wait, what you saying here" she asked.

"Well in other words, your engaged to Saron"


OMG what's going to happen next. I really enjoyed writing this chapter.

I edited some bits in the other chapters so you might want to reread those chapters so this one will make more sense.

You know what to do


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