Crossing over pt 1

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Lauren P.O.V

I couldn't believe what my father just told me, I stood there, completely frozen. Me engaged to Saron. I couldn't be, I'm not evil like he is.

"You can't be serious, me engaged to Saron, it's not right." I exclaimed. "I know it's all very sudden, but I can promise he will make you happy" my father said while grabbing my hands. "No. No!" I shouted pulling my hands away from my father. "I won't go through with it, I would rather be tortured and eaten by orcs then marry the lord of Mordor" I yelled and then I ran out of the room.

I ran outside the building an whistled, then a couple of minutes later, Colette came running. I patted her neck and got on her, then we rode for Helm's Deep.

It took so long to get there, but before the sun started setting, I arrived in Helm's Deep. I rode through the doors and went towards the palace, I saw Aragorn walked towards the doors and I saw Gimli and Legolas follow him, Legolas looked so upset for some reason.

Legolas P.O.V

I was glad that Aragorn was back, but I really wanted Lauren back, more then anything.

I walked in the throne room and they started to discuss about the upcoming battle

"You know that these aren't just mindless orcs, these are Urak-Hai, there armour is thick and not so easily broken" Gimli pointed out. "I have fought many wars, master dwarf, don't think I don't know what we are up against" said Theoden "Tell, me have you fought soldiers from Isengaurd before?" asked a voice from behind.

I turned around and saw Lauren standing in the door way. I felt all my happiness coming back to me.

"Lauren!!" we all yelled "Answer my question, have you?" she said sternly. "As I said, I've fought many wars, but I dont care if they're from Mordor or Isengaurd, all I know is that they need to be destroyed" said Theoden. She look really drained. "Where have you been?" I asked straight away. "Not now, Legolas" she said and pushed past me. She then walked up to Aragorn, "Aragorn, I need to talk to you" she said and then her and Aragorn walked off.

Lauren P.O.V

Aragorn and I wandered around the castle for a while. "So Aragorn.... Is it true that my mother was from Lothlorien?" I finally asked. He then turned very serious, and he didn't answer me. "Aragorn, tell me, is it true!?" I was starting to get very impatient. "Yes, it's true, Gandolf told me the whole story before he left, he thought someone else ought to know while he's gone" he said. I was somewhat relieved that Gandolf told someone else about my past, maybe I can get some answers from him.

"What else do you know?" I asked and he went silent. He looked me dead in the eye, "Before I answer you, answer something for me" he said "What happened when you were taken?" I competely froze

"I got taken to Isengaurd, where I met my dad and he told me what was to happen in the future" I told him and he left, completely ignoring his side of the bargain. I was left to wonder the palace alone. I saw Eowyen talking to Aragorn and I saw love in her eyes. I remember feeling like that, then I felt a stabbing pain go through my head.

Come my daughter

come to Mordor

The dark lord wants to see you

It's time for your present

I heard my fathers voice in my head. I didn't know wether to obey, or stay and fight with my friends. I took a look them and saw Gimli and Legolas talking and I heard what they were saying

"I bet you that the girl will leave us again laddie" said Gimli.

"You may be right, Gimli, but we have to have as many allies as we can, and Lauren is the tool to help us win this fight" said Legolas. HOW DARE THEY REFER TO ME AS A TOOL!!!

"So in other words she is being used as bait for Saruman?" asked Gimli and Legolas nodded his head, and they both walked off. How could they say that about me? I don't know who I can trust anymore.

Without thinking it through, I hopped on Colette and rode off to Isengaurd, tears stinging my eyes, threatening to fall.


I saw Mordor in sight, I needed to get away from Rohan as soon as possible. I rode to the tower and saw a couple of orcs coming down to me, I tightened my grip on my bow. They stopped in front of me and bowed. That is something you don't see every day.

"Our future queen, our master has been expecting you" one of them snarled. They led me to a flight if stairs which passed multiple rooms. In one room, I saw orcs carving something that looked like a throne, "What are they making in there?" I asked my guides. "They are preparing your throne, my lady" one of them hissed. I should of known, I guess Saroun told them about the engagement.

I was finally led to Saroun, more like I was to his eye. He saw me and said something I never thought I would hear him say. "Ahh, it's good to see you, my darling fiancee"

"Its nice to see you too, my lord" I said while doing a courtesy. "you know what to do, my servant" he said looking at one of the orcs. They nodded and grabbed hold of me, they pulled my hair out if the way, and the mark that was on my neck was showing. Then one of them put their hand in a yellow sort of liquid, "Now, this will hurt only a bit" Saroun assured me, but somehow, I didn't feel any better. The orc put his finger on my mark and a burning sensation was going through me. I screamed for a long time, then I blacked out.


I am soooo sorry I haven't updated for a long time, I was concentrating on my school work. But I hope you liked it.

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