The truth about the past

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Lauren P.O.V

When king Thranduil told Legolas to teach me how to use a sword, my whole body filled up with happiness. Oh I could tell you that Legolas was actually quite happy about it even though he looked quite serious, I know Legolas, he is great with weapons, especially with bows and arrows.

The next day

I was woken up by someone yelling in my ear, I opened up one of my eyes and saw Legolas, all dressed and ready to start my training. "Come on wake up." he said looking at through the mirror. "But its dawn" I say looking at the window and seeing a beautiful orange sky filled with clouds that were a slight pinky color."I know, and if your not too long it will be light enough to start your training" he said with a slight smirk on his face.

The mornings here are absolutely beautiful as well as the evenings when the sun goes down. "Remember to keep your chin up and both eyes open" Legolas told me as he stood back just before I took a shot trying to get it to land on the bullseye. I got the arrow in the ring next to the bullseye, it wasn't what I was hoping for but it was a progress.

My training went on for about five hours, and I really needed to rest up. "I hope maybe tomorrow I can hit the target." I said walking up to Legolas. "Maybe, hey where are you going?" he asked as I started to walk back to the palace. "I'm going to get some rest" I said turning around. "But before that I've got something to show you." He said walking further into the forest and me groaning behind him.

Legolas P.O.V

I couldn't wait to show Lauren what I had instore for her. We were coming up to the spot, it had become very dark, just perfect for the occasion. "How much farther" she said dragging her feet along the ground. "My feet are killing me" she moaned. "Believe me, it will be worth it" I said not wanting to reveal the suprise. She groaned loudly, I could tell she was tired by the way she dragged her feet. "Come here" I told her, and without warning I covered her eyes and guided her to the spot. "Legolas, is this really necessary? I mean, I could easily fall and break something" "Not if I catch you" I made sure that she wouldn't fall.

After an hour of walking, I finally uncovered her eyes and you could tell by the way she gasped that she was suprised by the view, you see, I took her to the secret cove in Mirkwood where there's a beautiful waterfall, flowers that only bloom in the moonlight, luckily it was a full moon tonight, so it more beautiful. It was also great that no one else knows about this place apart from me and now Lauren. "What do you think?" I asked "Its breathtaking!" she said. My hand grabbed hers and I lead her down the stairs that goes down to the lake.

Lauren P.O.V

Legolas guided me down the stairs and then my foot slipped and I fell into Legolas's arms and I just couldn't help myself so I kissed him.

Legolas P.O.V

Lauren fell into my arms and I thought that I always had a thing for Lauren, then Lauren kissed me and I couldn't help but kiss back. After about five or ten minutes of kissing or snogging, we pulled away and then that's when I said I loved her and thankfully she said she loved me.

Lauren P.O.V

I woke up with a cheerful smile on my face thinking about last night when me and Legolas kissed and we told each other our feelings. I rushed downstairs trying to find him and I saw him in the throne room kneeling before his father.

"I can't believe you'd do that, especially with her" king Thranduil yelled at his son. "But father....."

"No buts Legolas, you disappoint me, and I'm sure I'm not the only one who will be disappointed at you". I was hiding behind a pillar when he said all this, I wonder what he meant by he's not the only one disappointed. "Father you don't understand, I fell in love with her" he said. His father had a really puzzled look on his face. "Legolas, how could you fall in love with her when your already engaged to someone else?" I couldn't hear what they said next I was too upset and confused. I ran up to my chambers and just looked out the window. "There's no way I'm staying here for the next couple of weeks" I said to myself. So without second thoughts, packed all my stuff in a bag, but I kept my weapons out just in case. Anger and sadness flew through me and no matter how hard I tried, tears just wouldn't stop falling. I was halfway down the stairs when he stopped in front of me "Lauren, there you are, I was looking for you, hey, what's wrong?" He asked, raising a hand and was about to put it on my cheek. "Don't touch me!" I yelled stepping back from him. "What? What did I do?" he asked chuckling slightly. "Why didn't you tell me?" When I said this, he looked soo puzzled that he seemed like he didn't what I meant. "About your engagement" I said starting to cry again. "You heard?" "Yes, I heard" I couldn't hear anymore cause it will only cause me more pain.

I pushed past Legolas, but he grabbed my wrist. "Lauren, I'm sorry, I just forgot" I couldn't believe what I heard "YOU FORGOT ABOUT YOUR OWN ENGAGEMENT" I yelled in his face.

"You see, I haven't seen her for a year and a half" he explained "Well I'm sure she hasn't forgotten because she's the one with the ring" I said before he let go of my wrist and I stormed down the stairs. He followed me every where I went, into the kitchen cause I needed to grab some essentials, into the bathroom cause I needed to do my hair, and all we did was argue about the situation. We finally came into the throne room and I knelt before the king. "My king, thank you very much for letting me stay here" I said. "What are you doing" Legolas asked me from the side. "You are very welcome my dear, but what's wrong" He asked noticing a tear falling down my cheek. "But, I can't stay here anymore, so with great regret, I'm going to leave for the shire and stay with Bilbo" I said. Legolas ran up to his father and tried to get him to stop me, but his father saw how much I wanted to go so he let me go and then led me to the stables.

"You don't have to do this" Legolas pleaded "I can't bare to be around someone who I gave my heart to have him crush it like it was nothing" I told him. "Here is your horse, Mariyan, you see she's been washed and groomed" said king Thranduil.

"Thank you, your majesty" And with that I climbed up on Mariyan and ride out of the gates.

~Flash black over~

"Wow, so what happened?" Frodo asked me. "I went round to your uncle Bilbo's house, I was always welcome at your uncle's house" I replied. "Well that explains everything, have you spoken to him since?" "No, today is the first time for like, a hundred years, anyway we get some rest since we leave tomorrow." I said. I made sure that Frodo got to his chamber before I got to mine.

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