The mountain pass & the mines of Moria

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Gimli P.O.V

We have been walking for what seems like forever. Legolas is on look out, so he is at the front, Lauren is talking to Aragorn about the pain in her neck. Then there was a strange sound in the air.

"There's a faint voice in the air" Legolas said "No, you figured that out for yourself, have you?" Said Lauren, I couldn't help but giggle. "IT'S SARUMAN" yelled Gandolf. then lightening strucked right on cue.

"He's trying to bring down the mountain, Gandolf, we must turn back now" said Aragorn, but Gandolf refused and he tried to calm the mountain down. Sadly Saroman was much stronger than Gandolf so his spell didn't work as he wanted it to.

Just then a big pile of snow landed on top of us. Luckily, no one got badly injured. "We should never have come here, lets go through Gondor" Boromir suggested "That would take us to closer to Isengard" said Aragorn "If we can't go over the mountain, lets go under it, lets go through the mines of Moria" I suggested. "let the ring- bearer decide" said Gandolf "We'll go through the mines" said Frodo "So be it" said Gandolf. You could tell he didn't want to go through the mines. But I wonder why, I for one am excited to go through the mines because I would get to see my cousin Balin.

Lauren P.O.V

We came to the entrance of the mines. Gandolf was trying to open the doors while the rest of us were just relaxing and talking.

"Lauren what's that on your neck?" Asked Legolas "What are you talking about? there's nothing on my neck" I stated. But before he reply Gandolf said it was no use and we were all shocked because Gandolf never said that before. "Wait. It's a riddle" said Frodo. "What's the Elvish word for friend?" "Mellon" said Gandolf and the doors swung open.

"Soon master elf and lady elf, you will be in the care of the dwarfs, fine beer roaring fires and delicious meat right off the bone and they call it a mine a MINE" Gimli bellowed

"It's no mine it's a tomb said Boromir and we all looked at the floor where the remains of dead dwarf bodies. "No no nooo" yelled Gimli. Then Legolas grabbed an arrow out of one of the bodies. "Goblins!" he exclaimed. "This was a bad idea, lets go back and head to Gondor" Boromir protested.

We were all starting to leave the mines when something grabbed mine and Frodo's ankle.We looked and saw a massive tenticle wrapped around our ankles, and the tenticle pulled us near the water and a big kraken came out of the water. We we're hanging in the air and the others were trying to get us down. Boromir and Aragorn were cutting the tenticle of the kraken and Legolas was trying to shoot it down but it was only making it more angry.

Aragorn then cut the tenticle that was holding Frodo and Frodo fell and Boromir catched him. Me on the other hand, I didn't have to do anything, all of a sudden the spot where the pain in my neck was starting to glow which made the kraken lower me onto the ground and everyone stared at me. Then I heard a strange voice in my head, it was the kraken's voice.

" Hello Lauren, you may not remember me but I remember you and I have something important to tell you...." he said "What is it?" I asked aloud. "you neck was glowing because..... ow!" I looked at the kraken to see an arrow in his eye.

"Oh my god, are you okay?" I asked, I guess He didn't hear me because he was still splashing around in the lake. Then someone grabbed my waist and pulled me along, I turned around to see Legolas pulling me along. "Legolas stop" I yelled. "I'm not gonna let you go and get yourself killed" he said. "I was having a conversation with him" I told him but he stared at me with disbelief, as was everyone else was.

The kraken was in soo much pain that he brought down the entrance of the mines. "YOU IDIOT, LOOK WHAT YOU DID, YOU PUT HIM IN PAIN WHICH CAUSED HIM TO BRING DOWN THE ENTRANCE" I yelled" Lauren he was going to kill you and Frodo, so technically I was saving you" Said Legolas calmly thinking I was crazy.

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