Chapter 16

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"I just wanna, wanna, wanna I really wanna, wanna, wanna. Just dance~" Jin sang, along to the radio and Namjoon playfully slapped his arm.

"Stop, you sound horrible" he playfully mumbled and Jin just giggled. He was doing a fake high pitched voice anyways.

He didn't actually sound bad, Namjoon knew this, Jin had performed at they're talent show last year he was amazing. His voice had rendered everyone speechless.

"Are you a fan of Jung Hoseok" Jin sweetly asked humming along to the song playing, Hosoek's most recent single. Just dance.

"I actually know him" Namjoon replied, and then the car came to a screeching halt in the middle of the road, Jin almost hitting another car.

"Jin watch what you're doing" Namjoon screamed, a bit terrified. Noticing he'd just stopped in the middle of the road, Jin giggled a little to play it off.

"I-sorry" He sweetly mumbled and sighing Namjoon just nodded. "Just don't that ever again."

Smiling Jin nodded, Namjoon sounded so much like a mom or dad it was absolutely adorable. Namjoon looked at the clock, he had taught the boy math. He sucked at that. English, he wasn't so bad at that.

Science, also okay at that. And then history, he sucked at history. Namjoon wasn't understanding what the problem was, history was pretty easy. Just things people did in the past, if you payed attention and really tried it wasn't hard. 

But Jin didn't seem to get it, he was trying Namjoon could tell but he just wasn't understanding. There wasn't anything left to tutor, Namjoon couldn't think of anything. It had also been about 2 hours, they should have gotten there by then, and then there was another 2 hours back.

He sighed internally thinking about that, he wondered how Jin dealed with this everyday. He clearly loved his sister, at least he had the company of Jin.

He hadn't really talked to anyone other than his own sister, for such a long time it was refreshing. Namjoon sometimes wished, he was loud and outspoken like Taehyung sometimes, but sometimes things just don't work like you want them too. He was shy, that was his nature.

"We're almost there" Jin mummerd taking a right, right into the school. "Or I guess we're here."

Namjoon looked around, it was a fairly big school. There were barely any kids though, all probably gone home.

Jin had said that they got out at the same time as him, so it was two hours later. Namjoon wondered how his sister kept herself entertained all this time.

Quickly getting out of the car, Jin opened the door for Namjoon. "S-She should be a-around here somewhere."

Jin mumbled stuttering a bit as the sunlight hit Namjoon's handsome face. Nodding, Namjoon followed Jin.

Not really paying attention he bumped into a girl, and with his clumsiness they both tumbled to tbe ground, in a heap.

"Mwg" she mumbled letting out a werid noise.

And Jin sighed "Meet my sister Namjoon."

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