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"...I know you hear me," Jimin continues to whisper as he brought himself closer to Y/n's turned over body
He starts to grin, feeling it was his chance to wake her up in his own personal way. Jimin pulls her body closer to his, tangling her legs with his. He swept her hair off her shoulders, allowing her bare neck to meet the cold air floating in the bedroom. Jimin sucked on his lips and planted them on the brim of her plain neck.
"Do you want me to kick you somewhere that'll make you sore for a week?"
"Ah...I're feisty."
"Yeah, I know. You know what else I am?"
"Extremely exhausted. So please, can I finish my sleep?"
"This time, but I'll make you pay for it later."
"You'll see. One day,"
Jimin kisses Y/n on the top of her forehead. Leaving her room, he first goes to his room, starting his normal routine of getting ready for the day. Usually, on weekends, he'd try to make the best of his free time. During regular weekdays, he would work so hard, getting lost in the world full of grades he strived to keep up. And with Y/n being his girlfriend, he really wanted to make as much time with her as he could while they were alone.
He walks to his closet, finding something in his normal style.
A casual black t-shirt, with ripped jeans.
Placing the clothing on the bed, he goes to the bathroom. The shower turns on, playing a sensual tune for his ears, the water was warm, trickling down his bare back. He started with his hair, lathering his freshly soaked locks with conditioner and shampoo.
By now, Jimin was already out of the complex. He had a few errands to run and yes, he was a bit sad since that meant the day was going faster than he thought. Not even a weekend was long enough for him. It was just two measly days and back to class.
He really wanted her to be with him.
But he has to let his Princess get what she wants first.
He needed to first go to the store. There wasn't that much food at his place, and that meant he needed to buy more. On his way, he ran into a special someone.
She saw him in his car, about to get out. He saw her two, he knew she was waiting for him to get out just so she could spark a conversation with him. But that was something he tried his best to avoid after he broke up with her, he wanted to cut all contact off. It still shook his world after, for some odd reason, she still wanted to talk to him.
After getting a little impatient, she walked to his car.
"What the hell, why can't she just leave me alone?" Jimin pouted
She knocked on his car window, expecting his window to roll down for her.
Her disgusting smile shined as he so wanted her to just get lost.
Instead, he rolled his window down anyway.
It was time for his acting skills to work their magic.
"Funny seeing you here," she starts
"...It is..."
"You haven't been talking to me, Jimin."
"Yunhee, you know exactly why."
"I just want another chance! Please, let me prove myself!"
"Yunhee, I specifically said, I don't want any form of contact with you!"
"You can't date me anyway." he blurted by accident
"What do you mean?"
"I have a girlfriend."
"Who? Does she go to our university or something?!"
"No. You have no idea who she is, alright? It's sort of like a long distance thing,"
"Because we met online? Why do you care? You're my ex, you'll always be my ex."
"Just because you believe it doesn't mean I have to. She might break your heart."
"Like you?"
"Look, I owned up to my mistake. And I tried to work it out but just won't let it go."
"Why would I?! What you did was the worst thing ever! And I don't understand why you can't get that through your thick skull. She will never be as low as you, so leave me the fuck alone! I tried to be nice, but you keep on pushing and pushing, go away! Damn!"
"...You don't mean th-"
"Just leave."
Yunhee looked back at Jimin as if he broke her heart. And he probably did, he didn't care though. He lost all his respect for her and she simply wasn't a good person for him to be around. She had good looks, minor smarts, but she just wasn't his style. She was into the glam, girly style, she wore dresses all the time, needed to wear makeup or else she would die, hated helping others for some odd reason, she wasn't a Y/n. Jimin couldn't even see her make a 360 like that. That's why he never waited for her like she still was waiting for him.
She walked off, this timeless dramatic.
His words really got in her head.
Jimin tried to feel sorry but he just couldn't. She did so much to him and almost broke up one of his most special friendships that are in orders for repair. Her lies seemed like she was telling the truth, her smile was fake if you were her target, like the way she looks at Y/n from time to time. She's a natural con-artist. Jimin's surprised she hasn't gone to jail with all the dirty mess he knows she gets into. Yunhee is a powerful person, and he knows when Y/n and her butt heads, it isn't going to be pretty.
"Princess...(?)" Jimin asked while opening the front door, "You awake-"
"What do you think about this? I found it in my closet in the back,"

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