Clear Air

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"I can't believe we just did that," Y/n giggled
"Believe it, Princess...we should get going," Jimin helped Y/n zip her dress up, "I wanna show off my girl and my new ride..."
They stood in the mirror, this time admiring their costume choice. It was a little rushed but it worked out, they still looked good. It was time for them to wow everyone, and show the school including Namjoon that they were officially a couple. Y/n was both scared and ecstatic to tell (basically) the world they were together.
"We look hot," Jimin subtly smirked
"Good enough, now let's go," Y/n swiped her finger along the curve of his jaw


At the party

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At the party...

"Where's Jimin?" Woojin asked
"He's on his way with Y/n," Taehyung said
"Like, Namjoon's sister, Y/n?"
"The one and only," Y/n responded taking a sip from his cup
"Where is Namjoon anyway?" Jin asked
"He told me he was gonna pick up his girlfriend before coming..." Hoseok said
(Inside of Jimin's car)
"It's so...big!"
"Yeah, Woojin was lucky enough to be born into a rich family. Not all of us can relate," Jimin said parking next to a familiar car
"There's so many people here," Y/n felt herself flutter with butterflies
"Everything is gonna be alright, Princess..." he rubbed her thigh, "You have me and the boys to protect you if anything goes down, let's go and make an appearance."
"Who the hell is that?!" Woojin asked handing his cup to a random girl
He walked closer to the car while the boys followed. They waited for whoever it was to come out, they were taking forever, and with the windows tinted they could barely make out who was inside. The car was chrome silver that was matted with color-changing LED lights on the bottom for a decent finish, Jimin didn't tell his friends that he got himself a car. He had been saving for it for years, and now he finally had his dream car he wished to have ever since he was an awkward teen.
"They're staring," Y/n said
"Let them stare, they'll only wanna know who's inside more," he kissed her cheek
Jimin finally got out of the car, making eye contact with his friends in the face with his sharp eyes with his devious smile. He loved the shocked looks on each of there faces, it was obvious they didn't expect him to own such an expensive car.
"Park Jimin," Woonjin started laughing, "You out-did yourself with your corvette,"
"Took me years to get this baby," he laughed
"What kind of costume is that?" Woojin teased
Jimin just scoffed at his words and walked to the other side of the car, opening Y/n's door holding her hand to help her out. She batted her eyes at Woojin the moment she got out of the car. He felt himself shrink, she was just so breathtaking. Y/n didn't even need to say anything, her eyes spoke for her, and she knew she was getting to him. Honestly, she liked to get to people, it was her secret talent, sort of like her boyfriend's.
"He's matching with me..." she said sweetly while shaking his hand
Still shocked, he still spoke, "So your...together then?"
"Yeah, if you even think of touching her-"
"S-she's all yours Jiminie!"
"Right..." he eyed him
Jimin locked the car and walked in with his group of friends. There were people everywhere, kind of like it was at the last party Y/n was with Jimin. The smell of sweat and alcohol floated through the air, there was loud music playing, people were dancing, making out and just doing the wild party stereotypes. Y/n held onto Jimin's wrist, feeling a sudden relaxation. Jimin couldn't help but smile, he liked having her feel safe because of his presence. It was his job and he was happy that he was doing such a good job for her.
"Look over there!" one of Yunhee's friends, Yoonah said
"What the fuck?" Yunhee growled, "That's supposed to be me!"
"Maybe he's moved on Yunhee, ju-" Chihye tried to say
"Okay, fuck you too! There's no way this is happening, you should be on my side!"
"I-I am, but I'm tired of you getting your hopes up! I care about you," Chihye finished
"Yeah Yunhee, all of us care about you," Namsun added
"UGH!" she screamed loud enough for many to hear
"What was that?" Y/n asked playing with Jimin fingers while his arm was resting over her shoulders
"I dunno- oh fuck," Jimin groaned
"What's wrong, Min-min?"
"Why is she always where I am?!"
"...So you're telling me Yunhee's here?"
"Want me to kick her out? She doesn't really need to be here anyway," Yoongi said
"Nah, make her stay," Jimin said taking a sip from his drink
The alcohol was just starting to get to him. Now all of a sudden, he was feeling bold. Yunhee had been getting on his last nerve for the longest time and it was annoying as hell. People were starting to figure out they were together, and he was going to milk the moment as much as he could.
"Why?" Jungkook asked, "You hate her."
"I do..." he subtly smiled, "Look, everyone here is getting the message that I'm obviously here with Y/n. Yunhee is too, I'm gonna make her understand I don't want her stale ass anymore. I never did, to be honest, I've been playing nice for too long. If she keeps bitching around, I dunno what I'm gonna do,"
"That's the Jimin we've been wanting!" Hoseok patted his back
"It took forever to get the old you back, dude..." Taehyung said
"Excuse me but what do you mean old Jimin?" Y/n asked kind of intrigued by the situation
"You'll see if Yunhee keeps pushing his buttons," Jin smiled
"You guys are so weird," Y/n crossed her eyes
"I-I'm gonna go over there!" Yunhee said looking over at Jimin and his group of friends, "Hold my drink for me, please,"
Yunhee got up from the barstool she sat at and walked towards Jimin and the others. Jimin just so happened to look over, placing his gaze into her own. She was gonna say something, he could tell, and if she said something about Y/n he was gonna snap. She already made his love feel insecure to a certain extent and it took him forever to help her see there was nothing for her to worry about. Jimin stood up, his emotion had changed and all of his friends were quiet, observing the scene bound to happen.
"What the fuck do you want Yunhee?" he raised his voice
"I came to talk to you," she smiled
"Can't you see I'm busy with my friends?"
"Aren't we friends?"
"Why the hell would you think that? If I could go back in time and never meet you I would. You're absolutely nothing to me, okay? We're never getting back together, we're not friends, we're nothing," Jimin clenched his jaw, "Stop fucking making a fool of yourself. It's embarrassing."
"He's right Yunhee, just go..." Jin also got up
"This isn't your conversation Seokjin!" she pouted
"I was trying to help your dusty ass from embarrassing yourself any more than you already have. But if you wanna act like a bitch and try to hurt my feelings, you go and fuck yourself. Stop being a dumbass and forget about Jimin. He's happy enough with you gone and Y/n in his life. She was better than you from the start, so get lost. We don't talk to washed-up sluts like you," he crossed his arms
"So you're dating then?" Yunhee asked with burning cheeks
"...Yeah, we are. You see, I was right, you're nothing. Maybe this will help you to forget about fucking with my boyfriend. Cause if you try to do it again, you're gonna regret it. I'm not afraid to make you cry like I did the last time," she placed herself between Jimins arms, "He's all mine." Yunhee looked at Jimin one last time. He was looking down at Y/n with such admiration, he was smiling just by having her between his arms. His gaze reminded her of how he used to look at her, she was her, and she messed up so bad, she severed all of her chances of ever getting the guy she realized she loved. He didn't want her, he moved on to someone with better qualities. She was jealous, and now her emotions were getting the best of her again, she felt herself starting to tear up.
It hurt her a lot.
Yunhee ran out of words and just walked off. Jimin watched her leave, he had never felt so free. For sure, he felt that she wasn't going to mess with him anymore, he just hoped he was right.
"Namjoon! It took you long enough to get here!" Yoongi said
"Yeah sorry, it was traffic that messed us up," Namjoon smiled, "I brought extra drinks since you were running low Woojin."
"Oh thanks, man. I appreciate it, let me help you-"
"Actually, I think I'll help," Jimin volunteered
"You sure, Jimin?"
"Yeah. It doesn't look hard."
"Where's Y/n?" Insook asked
"Inside with Haeun. I think she's sitting on the couch in the living room," Jimin said opening the trunk
Everyone else walked off, leaving just Namjoon and Jimin alone together.
"...I wanted to talk to you," Jimin started
"About what?"
"There's something I've been meaning to talk to you about. And I'm just gonna rip the bandaid off..."
"Okay," Namjoon looked up, kind of worried about what was to come next
"I'm dating your sister and we're deep in love."
"You're dating my sister!?"

A little late but Happy Halloween! I hope you're having a good day/night, I'm gonna do my best to make this short. There's not really much I need to update you on, so don't forget to read, comment and vote to help support your fellow ARMY! I would really appreciate it, and if you're interested in following me on my social media to find more of the content I make, the information is located on my profile. Okay, I'll see that in the next chapter, ~ParkJamjams

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