Uncovered Book

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"Jimin?" Y/n called out nestled against his pillow on his bed
"You're okay, Princess. You just fell asleep on the way home. But you're safe now."
"Oh...but why am I in pajamas?"
"Don't worry, I didn't look but...nice tattoo." Jimin joked
"You little-" she panicked
"Chill! I didn't take everything off, there's nothing weird about helping my girlfriend change right?"
"I guess..."
Jimin looks back after taking off his rings and earrings. He takes off his shirt, feeling more comfortable wearing less clothing to sleep better. Y/n couldn't help but admired his rough exterior. He was so athletic, it blew her mind. And those tattoos, they tripped her up even more.
"Like what you see?"
"M-maybe..." she blushed
Jimin walked closer to the bed, resting himself up against her. He turns on his side, looking Y/n deeper in the eyes. He often got lost in them, thinking about how pretty she was to him. That she, in fact, was different than he expected her to be. She was confident and would try her best to stand out. It was who she was and that's what Jimin liked most about her.
"How did I get so lucky to find you?"
"I don't know..." Y/n smiled
Jimin took her hand in his possession and kissed her knuckles with his delicate lips.
"You're mine, you know that?" he asked
"...I do,"
"And maybe one day, Namjoon will know. And he'll be okay with us, what we have."
"I hope so. Because I really like you."
"Same here. But I do wish I could treat you the way I wish, at home and in public."
"I know you do, Jiminie. But this is how it needs to be for a while."
"Ugh, what time is it?"
"9:23, why?"
"I was just wondering."
"Hey, we can do something tomorrow, if you want."
"Just the two of us. So I can finally be with you with no interruptions."
"That sounds really romantic."
"It's my goal."
"Then, I like the sound of that."
"Great! But I won't tell you what I have planned."
"I could stay like this for the rest of my life..." Jimin confessed
"Nice to know," Y/n chuckled, "But Jimin," she started
"Yes, Princess?"
"W-what are you like? What was life like before you knew me before I was even in the picture..."
Jimin hesitated before even daring to speak.
He bit his lip, making contact with Y/n. He didn't know where to start, how to even start.
"...I'll be honest with you." he started, "We don't need to have lies in our relationship."
"I agree."
"You know Yunhee and I used to be together right?"
"We broke up almost a year ago. And really, she was a slut. That was after her popularity grew, I often think about how she used to be. Before she gained a following, got hotter I guess. It was both of our first years in University. I had just become friends with your brother and I myself started getting popular. I remembered that Yunhee was the shy, sweet girl who usually sat in the front of the class. She had short hair, wore glasses, and she was nothing like what she looks like now. And I liked that about her, she wasn't the kind of girl I was used to approaching. And I loved challenges."
"Got that right," Y/n laughed spreading her happiness to him
"Well, she turned out to like me too. I was shocked, she started hanging out with us more. Gaining popularity, she started caring about her appearance, she got contacts, changed her style, grew out her hair and glowed up, I wanted my old Yunhee back. But it was too late to change her back, she was dirtier than I thought. I couldn't take her attitude anymore so I broke up with her. I was heartbroken since she claimed to feel nothing. So, to get her back I did things I'm not proud of now."
"How bad...(?)"
"Bad..." Jimin claimed, "I got in so many fights, arguments with professors, I'm surprised I'm still a student here. I worked out more, I got even more tattoos and my patience ran low. I got angry quickly to the point it scares many. That's why I have the nickname, Namjoon 2 since we started having similar attributes. I've been with a number of girls to better my pain, ya know, the things assholes do. I knew it was a shitty thing and it's my fault for not caring. But now, now I see what went wrong. That I could've done a better job. I'm still hot-headed but I'm working on it. And with Yunhee wanting me back I love it. She'll never win me back, I have you now. You are my Princess. And I see how much better you are with your name being known. You're not changing and I'm so thankful."
"Aw...that's so cute."
"Aish..." Jimin looked away, "There, you have it. A summary of my University experience."
"It doesn't change what I think of you though."
"Yeah, I mean. You're human, I'm human, you get it, we're all human. We do dumb shit we wish we could take back. I get it, that's why I don't see anything wrong with your past. I mean, you haven't done anything to me, you've changed. You've learned to not do what you did in the past. And that's all that matters, right?"
"Then there's your answer."
"Thank you,"
"Mhm..." Jimin leaned back on his pillow, "So, I guess it's your turn."
"My turn?"
"Yeah! C'mon, we've been living together for a few months...and sure I know some deep stuff about you but I wanna know everything about you." his eyes darted to her
"You okay?" Jimin said worriedly
"I haven't talked about my past in a while. Like- stuff I did at my other college..."
"If you don't want to talk about it, that's cool. Whenever you're ready,"
"Can I trust you to keep this all a secret?" Y/n asked holding the covers in her hand tightly
"You can trust me."
"I've always been a very closed person. It takes time for me to warm up to others but when you get to know me I'm pretty cool. At least I feel like I am. For the first time, I felt that since I wasn't going to school with Joonie, I'd be free of my own choices. Everyone wouldn't just know me as his sister, and I liked that. You can say I used to be popular because of my kindness and style but one time there was this guy. There's always a guy in a girls life where he changes her completely. It could be for good or bad, mine was for bad. I grew a crush on him, and the feeling was mutual. I know I tell you I've never dated anyone, but that's because I don't consider him as my first boyfriend. Not anymore, but I guess we dated. He was the lousiest guy I had known, that's the ultimate truth. He never was there for me, made promises he couldn't keep, come home late, forget about important things, and most of all he sucked at lying to me."
Jimin took her hand.
"I knew he was secretly seeing other girls. But I didn't say anything, I didn't know what to say, it had never happened to me, and I just didn't want to bother doing the wrong thing. Constantly I saw messages, snaps, lipstick on his collars and random hickeys on him whenever he took his shirt off. And I regret it all, I felt used, but I was also emotionless. Eventually, Haeun talked me into breaking up with him after one night he crossed the line."
"What happened?"
"He got some random girl he was hooking up with pregnant. Haeun had a class with her."
"Princess..." he pouted
"It's good. I felt nothing, I wasn't even surprised. It was meaning to happen at any moment, to be honest. So, the next day I went to our place and confronted him."
(That Day)
"Shiwon," Y/n knocked
"We need to talk,"
"About what? I'm meant to be in class in like- 20 minutes."
"That's gonna have to wait. You aren't taking an exam today, and your professor should cut you some slack."
"Fine," he set his things down
"Is there something you'd like me to know?"
"Ah...no? Is this all you wanted to talk about?"
"No dumbass. I know you fucking slept with Heera. Haeun told me everything, I'm done putting up with your disrespect, the heartbreak you're putting on me. If you claimed to not love me then why did you start dating me?"
"Because I felt sorry for you."
"I felt sorry for you. There, you're right, since we're being honest, I never had a single feeling for you. You were too inexperienced for me. The last thing I needed was for you to get your heart broken and the school finding out making me the bad guy."
"Ugh, you asshole!" she shouted hitting him
"You need to stop," he caught her fist throwing her back
Y/n hit the ground, wanting to get up.
"I fucking hate you. All you do is fuck shit up!" she shouted again
"Not my fault you're gonna end up lonely," he said
Y/n ran up to him, ramming herself into him, regretting it instantly. He picked her up, slamming her into the wall, knocking pictures on the wall fall onto the ground. She groaned in pain, noticing how she couldn't win. He was too strong, he wasn't who she dreamed for him to be. He wasn't gentle, and he didn't care about her. It was all true.
She was a mess.
That was the truth. He was right.
She was gonna end up dying alone at the rate she was going. And that's what ended her faster than she thought.
"This is gonna hurt you more than it'll hurt me," he said with a dirty grin
He tried to rip her jeans off of her. She didn't want it, nor did she expect him to try something so dark and disgusting like that. She didn't want this, and she needed to get out of whatever she was stuck in. Right here.
Right now.
While trying to stop him she scratched his face, digging in his skin to cause pain. Anything to get him off of her, so looked over to the side, finding herself close to the table where utensils would usually sit. She searched for the knife, closing her eyes feeling him wince in pain. Falling to the ground, letting her go. She cut him deep in the stomach. No, she didn't want to but it was her only choice.
"Holy shit," she said with fear
She pulled her pants up, rushing herself out of the place she wasn't going to call home ever again. She was done, she couldn't come back, not after this. And who knows, what if this got out? What if she had to go to jail for hurting him? She needed air a change in life.
"Y-you won't get away w-with this..." he said muffled
Y/n sat there, crying in Jimin's arms. Those thoughts and memories still hurt her greatly. The moment didn't happen long ago and day by day she thought about him. What he did after she left and changed schools.
Jimin wanted it all to end.
Her dark thoughts, the fear of him coming back for her haunting Y/n. He didn't like seeing her this broken and unable to cope with what she went through. She was so innocent, and all she was looking for was love. Someone she could trust and keep as long as she could. Jimin was going to be that person. That wasn't even a question.
"It's alright, Princess. I'm here, he isn't going to hurt you. I'll make sure of that." Jimin promised

OMG, today's the LAST day of school for me and I'm SOOO happy! You have no idea, I have so much more freedom and time to relax. That means I'll have more time to work on fanfictions AND new content coming soon for my other forms of social media. And while we're at it, if you'd like to follow my social media, the names are listed on my profile. I'll be posting NEW content coming soon! Don't forget to read, comment and vote to help me out, trust me, I'll appreciate it all! Anyways, I should get going, bye now. ~ParkJamjams

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