Arc 11

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Golden eyes opening to see the vast ocean, sand beneath their feet as salt water filled their nose. A small child stood beside them, angelic yet not so much a child.

[How is your body master?] Banana asked, sincerity deep in his voice as he looked up at his ex-host, now master.

"Arrrkkk!" A terrifying voice sounded, making Fanrong look at Banana in confusion.

[My apologies, let me start with the world's introductions.] Banana said as he cleared his throat.

This world was vast, holding onto the meager land that they hold; 90% was water. This ocean holds four clans, Nora clan; a clan filled with people in sync with the earth and medicine studies; their fighting style is null, so other clans see them as a nonthreat and leave them alone but trade between each other resources while they receive medicine in return.

Eria clan specializes in distant combat, mainly due to their slim-built but hefty arsenal of long-range weapons.

Soka clan; these are the brutes, both men and women are tall and built for battle, although not so smart their surprising specialty is farming, their plants give their people at least 70% of nutrients rather than the usual 30% that everyone is used to.

Wever clan; this entire clan was known to blend into the shadows, their specialty was being too unpredictable, they used their special talents not to be seen and steal and lie their way out of any problem, they aren't good with hand to hand combat, but if one doesn't see them coming, they'll never realize they died.

Although they share similar genetic, these four clans were completely against each other; they hold very different beliefs. When an unknown force slowly submerged their lands above the water, they were desperate. Through their last year, their numbers dwindled to the hundreds, but on the day where a huge wave was destined to wipe them out, a meteor came rushing down, breaking down the wave and landing at the very edge of the shoreline. An ominous glow came forth from it. Different colors came and shined through. The leaders of each clan came forth to see what it was. Seeing as there was land, they were in a truce pact and accepted their deaths, but the action in front of them shocked them. All four leaders stepped forward. The black colorful rock was guiding them to it; like hypnosis, they reached out and touched the steaming rock, thinking that it would burn their skin, but shockingly they felt the coldness—a surge of energy coursed through their bodies as they fell to the floor in agonizing pain.

Their people all watched on in despair; what can they do if they didn't have a leader? Who will lead them? Who will guide them through these terrifying times where a wave could wipe out their existence. Suddenly their leaders rose back, and each one let a different color of smoke out of their mouths. They felt amazing power and by instincts reached out towards the water, the water split, that was how their clans were able to survive, as the people stepped forward through to the splitting water they touched the meteor as they passed by it, instead of an agonizing pain they received a terrible headache and a fever.

The four clans settled in their own territories, claiming the ocean's bed for themselves and their people. Acknowledging the other clans, they waited to hold more power before taking over another clan. With greed clear in their eyes, time was on their side.

As generations of peace passed, there was a threat that rose from that very meteor that they hadn't noticed. It was a creature that struck terror through everyone's hearts as they witnessed their first victim being drained of their soul. A creature that they decided to call Chaos was tall and skinny, boney even; they fed on the life force of any living creature and held not a single facial feature, mainly because they held no face; a blank portrait was visible.

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