Chapter 6 Doom

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We didn't get as far as we thought we did .

To me it felt like we ran miles , when in hindsight , we were just a few meters from where the guys were captured.

To would've thought we could out run professional trained and fit government officials , was a mistake. We might as well stayed there and waited for them to pin us down to the ground too , it happend anyway.

It was when I was actually pinned to the ground , fighting to get loose - even though I knew there wasn't a chance of that happening - that I realized; this was it .

There's no more running.

No more hiding .

No more sneaking around .

This is what defeat felt like .

My vision of the crimson sky was slowly fading to a bitterly cold darkness and I knew, there was no way out .

I woke up to a shake . Sitting up I only saw faded darkness around me , but feeling as if I was moving . Confused I looked around seeing the dissapointed and frightend faces of my four friends - whom I've let down - staring back at me .

"Guys! You're okay !"

"Define okay ." Cody grumbled , much unlike his former self .

"Where are we ? " a disoriented Amanda asked , sitting up and rubbing the side of her head .

"A truck . I'm guessing ." Luke answered as it all started to make sense to me .

"Guys , I'm so sorry . If I hadn't slowed down , we wouldn't hav-"

"It's not your fault. " Ben answered in a low , defeating tone , not even making eye contact with me .

That's, what made me feel worse .

I knew it was my fault and I was prepared to take the fall for it . But now I dragged my friends into this and most importantly, Ben .

"Ben , I'm really -"

" I said it's not your fault ." He answered in the same dull tone .

But I wasn't one to give up that easy . I'll make him accept my apology , see how sorry I was . Even if it was the last thing I did .

Ironic isn't it ?

"If only I worked harder . Ran more , we would've been -"

"I SAID it's not your fault! " everyone's heads snapped to him as his voice boomed , making it louder with the distant echo .

We all stared at him wide eyed . Sure he was bad in a badboy type of way but he never REALLY acted that way . He was more the silient mysterious type.

We watched as he took a deep breath and then doing something I least expected for him to do .
He leaned forward and placed a soft and warming kiss on my lips. It happend so fast I didn't even have time to comprehend what was happening and respond .

When he pulled back I saw everyone gaping at what just happend , including me.

"It wasn't your fault Andy. Don't even think that for a second . We were all caught off gaurd . None of us were prepared for what happend to us . So don't for one second blame yourself for this situation, because we're all to blame . I love you too much to let you put all of this pressure on yourself to fix this . We'll get out of here . I promise. " he spoke in a soft voice.

The words he was saying were so sweet and comforting . It was also weird to grasp that a complete and utter stranger could love someone as messed up as me .

"Thanks . I - I um... I ..." but no matter how I hard I tried to say those words back to him . I couldn't. That word , that simple four letter word has destroyed so much of me . So many of the people that I've felt that for.

"It's okay. You don't have to say it back . Just know , that I love you Andrea . "

"Hello ? We're here too you know ? " Amanda said , making Cody and Luke roll their eyes .

"Yeah , so ? If you think I'm going to say that to any one of you , you've got another thin-"

"No ! Eew ! " Amanda shrieked as if Ben were one of the most revolting people she's met .

I inwardly laughed at their petty argument. They managed to carry on like old times , as if dismissing reality. As if we we're NOT on our way to our doom .

And it made me forget about the situation we were in . But only for a second. Because moments after our heartfelt moment was shared the truck came to a sudden stop , like literally , our heads fell forward from how fast they stepped on the breaks . We all shared a worrisome glance at eachother as the sound of the lock moving outside was heard .

On instinct we all scooted to the very back of the truck . Cody and Luke held Amanda close to them - in a protecting manner - and Ben was holding on to me for dear life , all of them too afraid to let either one of us go . Because no matter the fact that we're all in this situation together , we knew this was going to be a lot harder on us, on the girls . And that's what made us all coward in fear.

Neither one of us wanted to be exploited in this way and not one of the guys wanted for them to exploit us this way.

"Come on , let's get mov'in I ain't got all day . " the bulky soldier infront of us said in a bored tone .

We all just gave him a glare and stayed in our current position , not one moving a muscle .

"Seriously? Is this how it's going to be ? I don't have time for this. " he ended with a deep and husky sigh and climbed into the back , crawling to us .

It's when he tried to reach for me that Ben lost it .

"Get away from her !"

"Ain't gonna happen pretty boy. " he answerd and grabbed hold of my left ankle , pulling me to him .

"I said get away from her !" Ben yelled again , pulling me back to him .

"Okay , I get it . I know what's going on here . So , if you want to share a kiss before I split you two up forever ,go ahead . "

"You little !" That's when I fell to the ground with a thump and Ben pounced on the guard tackling him and throwing punches at any chance he got .

It all happened so fast and I guess even faster to me since my vision was blurred by my tears, as I saw three more soldiers dragging Ben's limp body out of  the truck .

I didn't even get to say goodbye ...

Luke hugged me tight and whisperd in my ear; "it'll be okay . He's okay . I'll make sure of it . "

I just nod my head as I burried my face deeper into his chest , just to be ripped apart by another three soldiers .

It was my turn .

I cried and yelled . Kicked and screamed for them to let me go . I tried reaching for the others but they were all held down by other soldiers .

The last thing I saw when they dragged me out the back was Amanda's tear stained face , Luke's bloody face and Cody's limp body .

"Guys !" I yelled out one last time as a whimper overtook my yelling and turned it into a blubber .

This is it . There's nothing I could  do now . It's too late to try . It's too late for anything.

The end !

Just kidding 😂 but what did you think ? Thoughts? Theories ? Leave them down below . Thanks for reading ❤❤

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