Chapter 25 And then they left

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Today was the day. The day I have been dreading for the past 9 almost 10 months now . The day I had to let my sweet baby girl go .

I wasn't going to lie and pretend that everything was okay and that I was just fine. Cause I wasn't.

I was a mess . I've been crying non stop since this week started,  all because of today. I've been holding and spending time with Kenzie as much as I could , even skipped a few of her naps just to hold her longer - which by the way,  was not a good idea -

They took Mason yesterday morning and Piper was a complete and utter wreck. I went to check up on her and she looked like death itself. She didn't want to eat or drink , her whole room was trashed , her eyes red and puffy from all the crying , she even refused to shower.

Yet , seeing all of that and having complete sympathy with her , I knew that would be me a few hours later , if not worse.

I packed her bags this morning - against my will - and held her ever since she woke up . Just waiting for that door to open and for them to pry her from my hands . I was never going to give her up . Not without a fight .

I looked down at her , seeing her big eyes stare back at me expectantly as I clutched her closer to my chest .

"You know I love you right ? Mommy loves you SO much. And I want you to know that even though you have to leave for a little while , that it won't be forever. I will always be right there with you . In your heart . And I'll always love you no matter what , cause you're mine , my daughter and nothing and no one can ever change that. "

I looked  down at her , a tear threatening to escape as she giggled at me for no reason.

"You're so cute." I said with a proud smile , cherishing this moment.

All until the door opened and soldiers filed in one after the other.

I knew what was about to happen, I knew this was coming .  But did they really need this many soldiers ?

I clutched her closer to me as they all stood infront of me , waiting for me to give her up  willingly.

But that wasn't going to happen.

"Hand over the baby ma'am. " the guy in the middle said in a formal , rough voice.

I held her closer to me as I  looked down at her and replied ; "But I can't. "

"We understand but you have to hand over the baby to us ."  He repeated again.

I gave him a sympathetic look , hoping he'll look the other way or at the least understand my position.

And that's when his face cracked , he gave me a sympathetic frown  before clearing his throat - realizing he was still in uniform - and regained his professional demeanour.

"Ma'am if it'll make this any easier on you,  you can hand over the baby to one of us you feel you trust the most. "

At that they all stepped to the side as I took a look at them all , my eyes scanning through the room searching for the one person I knew I could trust the most with Kenzie's life.


Yet , he wasn't here . Not even in the room.

My face fell as I realized I couldn't trust anyone here and that yet again , I was all alone and it was just me.

"No." I whisperd,  holding her tighter .

"What ?" He said surpised by my answer though I didn't know why it took him by surpise , he must've heard it a thousand times before me from the other mothers.

"I said No !" I said loud enough I swear they could hear me from the Donor wards.

"As you wish ma'am " he said calmly in his southern accent as I sighed in relief that he understood .

I looked down smiling at Kenzie just as four hands started pinning me down on the bed - where I was sitting - and two roughly trying to take Kenzie from me .

"No ! Stop ! Please !" I yelled out as I kicked my legs as my hands held onto Kenzie , not letting her go . Her cries filled the room along with mine as they continued to pry her from me , but I wasn't planning on giving up any time soon.

"Please! You can't do this ! She's all I have !" I cried out this time , tears running down my cheeks uncontrollably as I struggled to get up.

"I'm sorry but this is the way it has to be ma'am. We don't make the rules , we enforce them." He said,  hovering over my face , watching my tears stain my clothes as his soldiers bruised my arms with all the gripping and the pulling.

It's then that I found new reason to fight back. Who was HE to tell ME that ' this is the way it had to be ' !?

With that,  I kicked with all my might  the soldier that was holding my legs down , sending him down to his knees clutching his delicates.

"You know what ? Screw you and you're stupid southern accent! You have no right to tell me what to do with what's mine . And no right to take her from me !" I yelled out as he just shook his head in disapproval.

"We gave you a fair chance to do the right thing ma'am,  but I guess you like things rough. "

And by the snap of his finger , three more soldiers came in and held me down from my legs to my arms , as another two literally ripped Kenzie out of my arms , sending her screams throughout the room. There was no doubt in my mind,  that they had hurt her because of it.

"No ! Please! Don't do this !" I yelled out but I knew it was hopeless as they handed her over to him.

"You're a cute one aren't you ?" He said sweetly to her , making me want to punch the day lights out of him.

"Leave her alone! "

"No can do ma'am. "

I stopped struggling,  my arms giving in and my legs growing tired. There was nothing I could do.

I watched as he rocked her side to side , letting her calm down first before he left, as I cried for her one last time.

"Please ?" I whimperd .

At that her crying stopped as the room fell quiet. Our eyes met one last time as she reached her hand out to me , to which I couldn't do the same.

"Well then . I bid you a good day ma'am. " he said in a mocking cowboy way -refering to my precious statement. - as he walked out with her , making me watch her leave.

"Mackenzie!!!!!" I yelled as if she had any way of doing or saying anything , as I started crying again.

I looked up at the soldiers who gave me pityful looks - those who were only doing this because they had to- as they slowly let me go , one by one , the further he walked away with her.

As the last one let go , I slumped to the floor , holding my knees to my chest , "please don't go ..." I whimperd softly,  though I knew she was long gone.

And then they left.

And I was an emotional mess.

How could they take away the one person that meant the most to me ?

The only person in this world that matterd to me ? 

I knew this was going to be hard but I never anticipated it to be THIS hard .

They told us in our parenting class that we will get over the loss of our child when we were holding the next one . That it was an on going cycle of loss and renewment . That there would  come a day when we wouldn't feel the loss anymore.

Then you would know you had finally moved on.

But that day might never come for me.

Not for a while atleast...

What did you think !? This took a lot longer than I thought it would to write and get the right idea in my head across 😂 but what were your thoughts on it ? How do you feel now that Kenzie's gone ? We haven't even known her that long 😭 let me know in the comment section below.  Until next time my Lovelies ❤❤❤

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