Matt Imagine

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So, this is for my friend @shan1479 and since I just watched The Parent Trap with Lindsay Lohan today, it's going to be kind of like that, only shorter.

"Hello, Mum," your eleven year old daughter Annie, at least you thought it was Annie; you had two daughters, twins, and you and your husband had each taken one when you divorced, said.

"How was camp, Annie?" you smiled.

"It was so much fun, Mum! I want to go back next year! I made so many new friends!" she said cheerily.

"Wonderful, darling. I'll have Martin sign you up as soon as he can." Martin was your butler of about seven years.

"All right," Annie chirped as she skipped upstairs to unpack her suitcases.

Sometimes you wondered how your ex husband Matt and your other daughter Hallie were fairing (A/N: you're British by the way).

You still loved Matt, but you figured he didn't love you back since he never came after you when you left. You wanted him to come after you, but you figured you were better off now. You were a very successful wedding dress designer, you had an amazing daughter, and great companionship with your butler and father who lived with you.

About forty five minutes later, Annie returned downstairs for dinner.

You took your place on your father's right; across from Annie and carried on a casual conversation for the rest of the meal.

Life continued as normal for the next few weeks after Annie returned from camp. You took her to your studio once and she actually was excited to go which surprised you. Annie was also having long phone calls in the closet and you thought that rather peculiar as there were no boys at Camp Walden and she had never bothered to keep anything from you before. You waved away all concerns, deeming it part of becoming a teenager.

Tuesday morning, some three weeks later, Annie came into your room at eleven a.m. sharp while you were on the phone with a client.

"D'accord. Au revoir, madame," you said as you hung up. "Good morning, Annie."

"Good morning, Mum," Annie smiled.

"What do you say we run down to the studio for a bit, and then take the whole rest of the day to go shopping?" you proposed.

"I'm afraid I have to go out of town today," Annie said as she pulled your white comforter over herself.

"You're going out of town? And where are you going, Annie?" you asked, tickling her.

"That's where I'm going. I have to see Annie!" her muffled voice came from under the covers.

"Annie? You mean, you're Hallie?" you asked, completely shocked.

Your father peeked his head through the door and nodded.

After Hallie explained herself, you agreed to fly her back to California and switch twins.

"What am I going to wear, Martin? I haven't seen Matt in years!" you cried.

"Well, if I was going to see my ex, and I had your legs, I would wear this baby," he said and held up a little black dress.

Seven hours later, you were getting off your plane at LAX with Martin and Hallie.

"You're sure your father knows we're coming?" you ask.

"Oh yeah. We're supposed to meet at the Stafford Hotel at three," Hallie grins.

"Liar liar pants on fire," Martin hissed to Hallie.

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