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Newt  stared at the child who sat by the fire hearth. His heart thudded painfully any time he looked at the child. It reminded him only of the hardships that were ahead of him. A tapping on a window nearby made Newt jump.
"Go get the paper, boy." Newt said, holding his head in his hand and trying to keep his worries at bay.
"Yes, Father." Cadence replied skipping iver to the window.
"For the last time I am not your father!" Newt replied, his head aching painfully.
"Sorry, Uncle Newt." Cadence replied handing Newt the paper and going back to play with his toys.
Newt sighed and looked at the folded paper in his hands.
Potter family murdered! He-Who-Shall-Not-Be-Named defeated! Harry Potter only known survivor! Harry Potter Boy-Who-Lived!
Newt dropped the paper in horror and felt the whole room start to spin.
"The child of the moon will rise. Found in the trees of gold. And He shall raise the boy who lived. And He shall discover the power the boy knows not. Born as the ninth month dies. And he shall know a power the dark lord knows not. And he shall be marked as his equal. Together they will restore balance to magic. The dog and the beast. And they shall belong to the beast tamer. And they shall belong to the man called Newt.'"
Newt could hear Grindewald laughing and air rushing around him. The faint sound of Cadence calling out 'Father? Is everything alright?' Cemented the suspicion that had been floating around his mind for 50 years. Cadence is the boy in the prophecy. His little boy would be the reason for their salvation and for that reason Cadence must never have existed.

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