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It has been a long time since the five of us has chilled like this. We have been working our arses off these past few months and just finished our Where We Are tour. Good thing, our management gave us this treat; a beach vacation in one of the most exclusive resorts here in Seychelles.

It would have been great if Eleanor is here now but she is quite busy with school these days. I will be seeing her soon once I return to London because she will be coming with me to Doncaster.

I was close to dozing off when I heard the excited voice of Harry shouting for us to come closer to him.

I did not pay attention to it because I know that there could only be one reason why Hazzabear can be this jolly, he may have just found his flavor of the month, or maybe....of the week? Flirty Harry.

"Come on,Lou. get your big arse off that lounge, this is something important."

"Bug off, Harry. I'm still hung over from last night."

We partied like there is no tomorrow last night to celebrate the success of our tour.

"Remember the girl that I was searching for in London before? The girl who slapped me? "

How can I forget? He has been babbling about this mysterious girl for quite some time now. I think if we were not on tour these past few months, he would have turned London upside down just to find this woman.

"We are in Seychelles mate, we still have 4 days before we go back to London and then you can bother me and the rest of the lads about her."

His obssession on this girl really has to stop.

"That is the thing, she is here mate." His eyes are freaking sparkling...seriously this is getting scary.

"I talked to her and apologized for almost kissing her when I was almost drunk that night." Harry smiled, "and she accepted."

Seems like this boy is whipped. Maybe I need to slap him to wake him up? He really has that dreamy look on his face right now. This is not Harry Styles...can someone return my bestfriend back?

"She actually tried to ignore me at first,even told me she was married and have a kid." He rolled his eyes, "but of course, who can resist my charms?she does not even have a wedding ring, so I know she was trying to get rid of me."

"And so you worked your charm and the rest is history?isn't it?" I looked at him underneath my Ray-ban aviator.

"Yeah," he chuckled. "She agreed to meet me here because I said I wanna introduce her to the lads."

"I kinda told her that she is quite famous with you mates as the mysterious girl who have slapped me."

"So what time is she coming?" Zayn asked as he, Liam and Niall dried themselves off after taking a swim.

"She is clueless to who we are. She doesn't even know One Direction." Harry retorted.

"Is she living under a shell? how is that possible that she doesn't know One Direction ? I asked baffled.

All of us just laughed it off. Oh well, this is a first for us. Usually people want to get close to us because of the fame. This is also the reason why I stay guarded most of the time, especially when it comes to love; even with Eleanor. I already fell in love so hard before and it was a frightening and confusing experience for me. I don't want to repeat that all over again.

I stood up to get us some beer from the beach bar. As I walk back to where the lads are, I noticed that Harry's mysterious girl is already with them. She is facing Harry so I can't really see her face. I can see her rocking body's silhouette through her beach cover-up though; all the curves in the right wonder Harry is deliriously happy.

"Hey Lou, did you get an extra beer for our lovely guest?"

"Yeah, here...Hi there I am ..." I saw her turned around and I forgot the world...I forgot my bandmates. I did not even notice that the beer bottle had fallen to the ground. Everything is in slow motion.

I am rattled and all the feelings that I had kept well suppressed inside are resurfacing all at the same time, threatening to outburst.

I just can't believe that she is standing here in front of me again. My beautiful first wife.


hi peeps!

thank you for reading my first attempt in doing a fanfic. hope u enjoy this story as much as I enjoy writing it....

and yeah, I love Louis Tomlinson, obviously. :-)



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