Chapter 27- 18

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Zayn and Perrie went with Rob and Marcus because Lou insisted that we will be going home instead.

Everyone were trying to stifle their smiles on the lame excuse that we used.  Louis told them that I am already quite intoxicated.  They probably saw how flushed our face were from our tryst .  Either that or Rob had told them the scene he saw when he accidentally barged in on us. 

I stared at Louis as he drives us back to the flat. His face looks so happy and flushed right now.  Gone are the worry lines that crease his forehead since he arrived this noon.  He hasn't let go of my hand since we went out of that little room. Even now that he is driving, he still has our hands intertwined.

My mind has been cautioning me to take things slow but as usual, my stubborn heart made sure that its longing will be quenched; that its whims will be followed.

I am throwing all logic and reasons to the wind once again.  With Louis, I am powerless.  I don't know if I can even make it out of this alive.  I am just hoping that this will work out; that he won't hurt me again.

"Babe, please don't tell me that you are having second thoughts on forgiving me." Lou uttered, his face clouded with deep concern once again.

I touched his face, "I think I have forgiven you a long time ago.  I just won't admit it to myself."

"I don't really know, it's like you are an addiction that I can't kick out of my life; eventhough I know it's bad for me." I told him honestly.  My other hand rubbing my thigh nervously.

His brows furrowed, "Why would you want to get rid of me?  Don't you want me in your life?"

"I just feel that I love you too much; so much that it consumes all of me.  I think I even love you more than you love me."

There I've said it.  I have been thinking of this a lot lately.  I honestly feel this way.  I do feel that it is easier for him to leave me or to cheat because his feelings are not as intense as mine.  Yes, he loves me, I know that and that makes me happy.  It is just that between the two of us, I know I have invested so much of me, to the point that I'm left with nothing whenever he hurts me.  He hurts me and yet he is also the only one that can 'unhurt' me.

"You honestly believe that you love me more than I love you?" His piercing blue orbs stared seriously at me.  "because I don't.  I maybe a twat for putting you through hell a lot but I've never loved as much as I love you and Loe now. Maybe it is hard to believe me now because of what happened but give me time and I will let you feel it." He squeezed my hand.

"I want to go somewhere and show you something." He smiled at me softly.

"I thought you wanna go home already?" I asked him wondering where he wants to go this time.

"We have the rest of the night to finish what we have started.  Nobody's gonna sleep tonight." He winked at me and I blushed scarlet once again.  I heard him chuckled, probably still amazed on how much he can still dazzle me.

He brought my hands to his lips and kissed it.  It is a simple gesture of affection but it made my heart flutter so bad.  Only him can make me feel this way; only him, as what Rob had said earlier this evening, can make me feel alive.


"Don't peek. Just trust me." Louis murmured to my ear as he leads me out of the car carefully.

He blindfolded me a while ago using his scarf.  He said he wants it to be a surprise.  I felt the gush of cold air as I step out of the car.  I tried to walk without stumbling as we walk through a gravely path.  I finally felt a hard pavement underneath my boots.

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