Chapter 3-OVER AGAIN

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He has written a song for me? I tried to digest what Zayn just revealed and I felt blood rushing to my cheeks.

My heart is going overboard and if this continues,  I will be having a heart attack pretty soon.   God!give me a break Lou! I just fainted a couple of hours ago, don't make me repeat it again.

I wanted to take my eyes off him but it seems like my eyes are completely isolated from my mind.  They started to rebel and function on their own. 

How many times have I dreamt of hearing and seeing him sing to me again?  His voice has always mesmerized me.  He seems more confident now, and eventhough he looks scruffy manly, his voice remains pure; the same clean tone that rocked my world 4 years ago.

After he left, I just couldn't bring myself to sing anymore.  Music just reminds me so much of him so I shut it all out of my system.

But here he is now, singing to me once again; trying to break the walls that I have protectively built around me all these years.  How dare he?  No. I will not fall for this.  I have to get away from here as soon as possible; for my sanity...; for Loe's sake.

But my eyes remained glued to him.

"They don't know what we do best

It's between me and you our little secret

But I wanna tell 'em

I wanna tell the world that you're mine girl."

He finished the song without taking his eyes off me.  I pursed my lips, not knowing what else to do as his gaze linger more deeply.  Damn this freaking heart!  I can't concentrate anymore because all I can think about right now is kissing him.

And right there, I saw the same longing on his face.  He looked at my lips and his face is inching closer and closer to me.

Shit! He's gonna kiss me.  No!  I must.... I must...

lean closer to him to make it happen?

NOOOO! Why are you so stubborn, HEART?

Listen to MIND and walk as far away as possible.

But I just stood there, waiting for "it" to happen.

Suddenly Harry stepped in between us and I can't see Lou's face.

"She is my girl!" Harry's shout woke me up from my daze.

I saw Harry on the floor with Lou underneath.  I can't see Louis' face at all and I got more alarmed when I saw the blood on the floor.

"HARRRRYYY! Stop it!" I tried to pull him off Lou. "You are hurting him!"

The other 3 boys also stepped in to separate the two.

"Hey, cool it, you two!" Liam snapped, "do you want to be the headline of tomorrow's news?"

Niall and Liam managed to pry Harry away  as Zayn helps Lou to get up.  His nose is all bloodied and he is holding his stomach.

"What the fuck, Harry?!" Niall exclaimed, "You have broken Lou's nose."

"We will be leaving in a few days, how in the world are we going to explain to our fans in the airport about our pretty boy's face huh?" Liam muttered in exasperation.

I am fighting the urge to break Harry's face for punching Louis. "What the hell is wrong with both of you?!" I snapped at them; trying to catch my breath.  I am having a hard time breathing.

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