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I walked out of the hotel room to prevent myself from hurting Louis further. Rage has consumed me fully when I realized what he has done. I can't believe he was able to do this to Audrey. He told me he will never hurt her. I sacrificed what I feel for her because Louis said he loves her and now what? He just threw her to the sides after he is done with her? As much as I don't want to hurt him , I still ended up breaking his nose. Oh well! he is lucky that was all I gave him. He fuckin' deserves more than that for the mess he did.

I need to see Audrey. Who knows what may have happened to her after this? I need to make sure that she is ok. I know that she needs someone to comfort her today. She can really use a friend right now, right? I know I told Louis that I will go after her the moment that he hurts her. But honestly, this is not even about that anymore. I just feel that she shouldn't be alone right now.

Luckily, Lou gave us her address the other day. We were supposed to visit her and Lou this coming week but Simon called us this dawn, asking us to take the jet and fly our arses down here to Hongkong immediately.

I knew already that something was wrong after that call. The boys and I thought that Lou is ready to reveal Audrey and Loe to the press people. After the Disneyland chaos, we knew that Lou will have to speak-up sooner or later. We hurriedly flew here to surprise Louis; to support him and Audrey; but instead, we were the ones who got astonished by his engagement to Eleanor. That sneaky dimwit!

I tucked my curly hair into the blue cap that I always wear whenever I want to go incognito. I exchanged my trademark skinny jeans for a baggy one, something that I won't usually wear everyday. This outfit has been tried and tested succesfully everytime I want to disguise myself as a normal person. I put on my wayfarers and tugged my oversized hoodie low on my head. I stared at my reflection on the mirror and grimaced. I look pretty weird but I can deal with this.

I took the hotel lift down to the second floor and then took the fire exit stairs. I hopped 2 steps at a time until I reached the ground floor. I then proceeded to find the service entrance and after a few steps more, I found my exit. I grinned to myself as I inch closer to the exit without anyone discovering me. My women evasion skills come in really handy in times like this. I know most of the hotel layout s like the back of my hand. Different hotels but almost the same layout everytime. This knowledge is very helpful especially when I am trying to avoid clingy women that I have slept with; women who want a repeat. I don't do more than one night stands.

Yes, I live up to my reputation as Flirty Harry, but that doesn't mean that I don't yearn for a stable relationship like what Liam and Sophia have or even Zayn and Perrie. They just look so happy and contented that it becomes infectious. I was just waiting for the right timing and the right girl. I thought my search was futile until I met Audrey.

I must admit that in the beginning, it was purely physical. I mean who wouldn't be attracted to that hazel doe eyes and jet black hair? She is undeniably gorgeous and can easily stand out in a roomful of people. Heck! she can even rival most of the models I've slept with and still emerge the goddess out of them all.

I thought that physical attraction will subside somehow as I try to bury what I feel for her deep down inside. But as I watch how she looks at Louis whenever the guys and I chat with them, I longed for her to look at me that way too; like I am the reason for her breathing.

I hailed a cab and told the driver to bring me to Happy Valley. After about a twenty minutes ride, I found myself knocking in front of a blue door. I heard a faint rustle of movement as someone approaches the door.

I took off my cap and brushed my curly mop of a hair . The door opened and I saw the full extent of the pain that Louis has inflicted on her. Damn you Louis! She looks awful. Her usually round eyes appear to be thin lines now , almost covered by puffy bags due to excessive crying. Her nose is all red while her pale skin is well...uh...even more pale.

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