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My mood is literally on a high because of how Louis started my birthday. I breezed through my exam and I'm now in my last class for the day.

This Landscape Theories class is so big that it has to be in one of the University auditorium.  Our professor usually has to speak using a microphone and all the syllabus are projected on giant screens just like those TED Talks.

The room is filled with a cacophony of sounds from chatting students and  giggling girls as everyone settles on their seats.  I sat at the upper area where I usually sit. and searched through my bag for my phone because I have to turn it to silent mode.  I saw 5 messages from Louis and each one of it says either I love you or I miss you.  Butterflies are flying inside my stomach again as I read his messages.  I gave him a quick reply and put aside.

Suddenly, a loud buzz filled the room.

"Uhm, Hullo!"  A gravelly voice filled the auditorium.

Is that Harry? I looked up at the screen and saw Harry's face as he smiles to everyone. I think most of the girls are on the verge of fainting because of his smile.

I felt a lump in my throat as I look at the bedimpled green eyed lad with a fedora hat scanning the crowd.  He has a bouquet of flowers in his one hand.

"I am sorry to interrupt your class but you see, I am looking for this gorgeous girl here who is celebrating her birthday today."

I wanted the chair to eat me alive.  No Harry, Please don't say my name.

"Audrey Noelle Curtis,come out, come out wherever you are!" And he yodelled my full name. "Auuudddrreey!..."

His green eyes scanned the crowd and he actually spotted me.  Amazing hunting skills, Curly.

"There you are sweetcheeks!" He proceeded to walk towards my direction.  If this is another person, I would have already walked out of this room; angry for putting me on the spot, but we are talking about Harry here, the goofy child-like sweet Harry.  How can I be mad at Dimples?

He gave me the flowers and hugged me tight.

"Happy Birthday, love!"

I'm sure as hell that I am already bloody crimson now as everyone stares at how this curly haired boy gave me a bear hug.

"Thanks, Dimples " I whispered to him.  He smiled more brightly when he heard the pet name I gave him in HK.

"I missed that." He giggled and turned his attention to the crowd again.  "All right, you can all go back to listening to your wonderful professor here." He waved at everyone as he turns to walk out.

"Hey, sweetcheeks, I will be waiting for you outside.  Let's grab some lunch together, yeah?" He shouted before he went out. 

Ground eat me now!

There are low-pitched murmurs everywhere.  Great! This one might make it to the social media like hotcakes.  Thanks a lot Harry!

Our professor cleared his throat, "Alright hush now. Ms. Audrey Curtis, you are excused. I'll give you this day since it is your birthday.  And besides, Harry Styles is already causing quite a commotion outside."

I turned even more bloody red as I stand up to walk outside.  I politely nodded at my professor and head out the door.  I punched Harry at the shoulders as soon as I reached him.

"You twat! What was that for?"

He grinned and playfully slung his arms on my shoulders, "I wanted to embarass you and see you blush like a tomato." He ruffled my hair and I pinched his sides.

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