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"Hello lads! " Simon is smiling while he acknowledged our presence. Management has called for a meeting after the interview. I'm a little baffled that SImon is still in a good mood after what happened.

I was a little anxious a while ago when we have been informed about the meeting. I thought the management will be furious at me because of what I said on the live show. Honestly, I forgot that we actually have to ask permission from them before we can actually reveal something as big as that. But all that I Can think of a while ago is to protect Audrey from all the harsh comments and hate from the fans. Frankly, I don't give a damn if the bosses grill me for it. The big bosses are actually here. Hmmm! I wonder why.

Oh well, if they are going to put me on a hot seat, might as well get over it.

"Sorry for being a little late." Audrey, who is carrying Loe, entered the meeting room which surprised the five of us. I saw Louis face scrunched like a crumpled paper. He clearly dislike the idea of having Audrey and management in one room. Tommo, we share the same sentiments there.

"Thank you dear for granting our request in such a short notice." Simon cooed at The mother and son. "You are such a carbon copy of your father, Little Loe."

Louis got up to get Loe from Audrey. Loe's eyes are drooping from drowsiness so he put the toddler in the stroller that Paul brought in.

Simon motioned Audrey to sit beside me instead of the empty chair at Louis' right. Tommo is trying hard to suppress his irritation but he can't hide it from me. I know him too well.

"We are thankful that you all came in spite of the sudden change of schedule." Mr. Carlton, the MODEST big boss spoke. "I will try to make this short and concise, so I won't beat around the bush."

"The revelation a while ago has caused quite a stir. We want to know the truth. Harry and Audrey, are you really dating?"

I swallowed hard, I Have to own up to this. I have to admit the truth." No we aren't dating. Audrey and I are good friends."

"Which brings the next question, Louis and Audrey, is there something going on between the two of you?"

I stared at Louis, I can see that he is about to break down and come out about his feelings for Auds.

"There's nothing going on between us. We are also good friends." Audrey replied quickly before Louis can say anything. The sassy boy's face gone stiff. Clearly, he disagrees with what Audrey said but he just remained quiet.

I know that Audrey is also trying to protect Louis . What have I done? In trying to protect Auds, I put the three of us in an entangled web of complications and grave consequences.

"Good!" The Big boss smiled."The public has embraced the thought of you and Audrey together, Harry and in just a matter of hours. FiNally, we can stop those Larry Stylinson rumors because you have your girl and Louis has Eleanor."

I began to figure out what he will say next. I have a feeling that It wouldn't be nice.

"You ought to be seen together more in public from now on. And Audrey, can you sign this paperwork? I really don't care if what you and Harry have is real or not when offcam but we need you to be together for publicity."

"WHAT THE FUCK?! What is this? another ELEANOR KIND OF CONTRACT?" Louis was not able to stop himself from reacting. If a while ago, he was just annoyed, now it's full blown anger. He actually bolted up his seat in his fury.

Mr. Carlton gave him a cold stare, "CAn you please keep your mouth shut, sassy boy?! You know very well how we work hard to protect you lads. You of all people should know that, based on the countless times we have to repair your image because of your numerous bad publicity."

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