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(Louis POV)

"I want to meet my grandchild." My mom said to  me seriously after I told her about Loe and Audrey.

She handed me some macaroni and cheese that I really love.  It does feel nice to be home.   Somehow, the emptiness inside me gets filled up temporarily.  I have decided to spend my last few free days here in Doncaster.  By next week, we will all be busy for our fourth album and preparation for yet another world tour.  I would have wanted to be alone for a while with my family but Eleanor insisted on coming, saying that it was the original plan for her to tag along anyway.

I don't know but eversince that press conference, she has constantly been getting on my nerves to the point that I have to watch my reaction to her closely.  I don't want to be rude because I know how hard her situation is, having that debilitating sickness and all.  But there are times when she is really clingy and possessive.  She always wants to be near me or put her arms around me especially when we are in public, which irritates me a lot nowadays.

I secretly rejoice at the times when I don't have her near me like this morning.  I had to get up really early so that I can have some time away from her. She usually wakes up really late.  I took this moment to talk to my mother about Loe and Audrey. 

"I'm not sure if he can come here Mum.  I have to ask Audrey." My voice cracked a little when I said Aud's name.  My mum's eyebrows shot up as she looks at me questioningly.

"Is there something wrong, honey?" I know that my mother has noticed my apprehension.  She have been observing me eversince I arrived with El.

I breathed deeply, "Sometimes I wish that I can just be a normal person again so that I can spend my days with the people that I love."  Tears pricked the back of my eyes.

Although my mum didn't reply, her eyes told me that she understands me, that she feels my pain too.

I hugged her tightly and for the first  time since I walked out of Audrey's door, I let the tears flow freely again.

My mum just let me cry.  I didn't exactly tell her how I feel or the hurt inside me but I know that she understands. 

I wiped my tears and gave her my famous grin.  I don't want her to worry too much about me.

"Loe is a lot like me, I think.  He is a little prankster.  He smiles a lot and loves to sing too." I chuckled as I remember how Loe always wanted to perform with me and his uncle rascals. "Audrey, is an amazing woman.  She is gorgeous and funny but she is way more than that. She is already a very accomplished woman at a young age.  Although, she came from a very rich family, she worked hard for her achievements. She is very independent."

"Sounds like a wonderful lady." My mom replied, as she hands me a cup of tea. "Can we talk to them, maybe through facetime or skype?"

My heart drummed triple times at the thought of talking to Audrey again.  I want it so much.  It has been more than a week since I last heard her voice and everyday, I yearn to hear her and Loe.  But a part of me thinks that she may not want anything to do with me anymore after what I have done to her.

"I can try now." I know that they are probably awake by this time.  We used to start our day early. Audrey loves to cook breakfast just like my mum.  I sighed as memories of our days together flooded my mind.

My chest is pounding as I hear the ringing at the other end.  I looked at the camera, wishing for their faces to appear immediately.

"Louis." a raspy voice said my name.  I was astounded.  I know that voice.  Harry.

And his face appeared on the screen.  I felt pain and jealousy seeping through my veins.

"Harry." My voice sounded a little lower than the usual. What happened to us in the hotel has been settled already. He called me before El and I left for London.  He apologized for breaking my nose.  Everything is cool between us because in spite of our differences, the bond between Harry and I still remains the strongest between the boys.   I didn't see him after the incident though because Eleanor and I went ahead of the boys.  El wanted to be back to London immediately for her doctor's appointment so Simon let us used the other jet.

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