Chapter 9-TELL ME A LIE

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I have been staring at the door eversince he walked out of it. I haven't even moved an inch, afraid that if I do, everything will turn out to be real.

But it is real. My mind had been telling me that for more than 2 hours now but my heart is stubborn. My heart wants to hold on.

He did not even bother to look at me. He have left me again and this time, it is a million worse than the first time. I thought he is happy; that he really wants us to be a family. But I guess I was deluded.

I begged him not to go. I fucking begged him and yet he still went out the door. What have I done wrong? Why did he leave me when all the while he has been telling me how much he loves me? I just couldn't understand.

The pain within me is consuming me, sending gazillion bombs inside me,all exploding at the same time. I feel like he had killed me inside because he took my heart with him.

"Mum?" Loe's hand touched my face, his blue eyes wide with concern as he sees the tears trickle down my cheeks.

"Why you cry? where is Dadee?"

Loe's face looks exactly like his father when he is worried. And the million knives stabbed me inside once again.

"Daddy went to work, boobear." I embraced Loe as he struggles to reach my face and wipe my tears.

"don't cry,mum. Daddeey and Loe wuv you." and he smiled the same grin that his father gives me. That smile that dazzled me all the time.

"I know, Boobear." I just hugged Loe more tightly and hid my face because the waterworks just won't shut down.


I tried to function properly in spite of the immense pain inside me. I was cleaning the kitchen when I cried again because of the left over chicken that Louis cooked. I ran to the counter for refuge but then I recalled that we made love on it and the pain is even more magnified. Everything reminds me of him.

"Mum, Dadee is here." Loe shouted from the living room. My heart started to beat louder.

He came back! Louis came back! and that is all I can think about as I rushed to go out of the kitchen.

But there is no Lou.

"Daddee in the telly. wook mum." Loe pointed to the television which shows Lou in an interview.

The camera shows a close-up shot of him. He is wearing a gray beanie and sunglasses. My stomach turned into a thousand knots as I take in the sight of his face. It has only been hours and yet I miss him like crazy already. How else am I going to endure the rest of my life without him?

I sat down on the couch to watch while Loe continued to play in front of the television.

"Here we are in Hongkong for the press conference. Apparently there are some big news that Louis Tomlinson of One Direction will announce today." the lady anchor stated as the camera zooms out revealing a lot of press people.

The table in front has Louis sitting at the center while Harry and the rest of the lads sit at Lou's left side. The boys look like they are baffled by what's going on or maybe they are just tired. Harry's forehead seems to wrinkle from time to time. On his right side sits a stunning brunette that I am not familiar with. She leaned towards Lou's ears to whisper something and Lou gave her a reassuring smile. Zayn and Harry keep on staring at the girl and Lou with confused expression on their faces. Is she Eleanor?

"We can start now." I think the man who spoke is Simon Cowell. The man who is behind 1D's success. "We will begin to entertain questions now."

A middle aged lady with spectacles was chosen for the first question, "I'll go straight to the point. Louis, is the kid you brought to Disneyland your son?"

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