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I am the happiest man in the world as I lay beside the galaxy's most beautiful woman sleeping next to me.  I look at her as she sleeps like an angel with a smile on her face.

Last night was more than magical.  Walls have crumbled between us when she placed her lips on mine.  All the pent-up passion we were trying to control exploded in full force and consumed us.

I looked around at the mess we have made out of the room.  Oh boy, I might need to pay  a lot more than the room's rate for all the things we broke.  I smiled cheekily as I reminisced how she cried out my name and how she loves me with all of her heart and soul.  It ignited my whole being to a whole new level after hearing that.  We got so lost in the midst of desire and love that we wouldn't even have noticed if the room was burning at all.  Yeah, straight from our band's song.

What she and I have is beyond comprehension;  so much better than words because there is no appropriate term to describe it anymore.  The magnitude of what we feel is like white fire in our veins, eternally combusting....eternally ablaze.

Your hand fits in mine

Like its made just for me

But bear this in mind

It was meant to be

And I'm joining up the dots

With the freckles on your cheeks

And it all makes sense to me

I took a picture of her using my phone.  I really want to capture this moment and remember every inch of detail.  How her face glimmers so bright because of the sun's rays shining through the window; how the freckles on her cheeks give her that certain innocent look;  how her eyes flutter a little as she sleeps.

You can't go to bed

Without a cup of tea

And maybe that's the reason

That you talk in your sleep

And all those conversations

Are the secrets that I keep

Though it makes no sense to me

"I love you, Louis. but please, don't eat my carrot cake."

I chuckled because up to now, she still talks in her sleep.  I caressed her cheeks softly and she stirred a little and pouted.

I kissed her again and the desire to be one with her engulfed me once again as I crawled on top of her, reclaiming what is mine and will always be only mine...her heart, her body and her soul.

I've just let these little things

Slip out of my mouth

'Cause it's you

Oh it's you

It's you

They add up to

And I'm in love with you

And all these little things



"I love you, Audrey Noelle Curtis Tomlinson." 

The zoo inside my stomach turned into a a Jumanji-like ramble. My heart became a lunatic that wants to run out from chest. 

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