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My head hurts so bad as I stare at the ceiling of our villa's living room.  I'm still knackered from last night.  Zayn and I drank so much to the point that I had to sleep on the couch.

It was an emotional rollercoaster for me last night.  I already signed the papers that Audrey asked from me and Zayn had handed it back to her.  I have confided to him about the marriage and divorce. and he is the one who really listened to me.

"I don't have the courage to face her, Zayn" I told him as I handed the envelope.

"Just think of it like it's for the best." Zayn uttered, "sometimes, that is the price we have to pay for all of these seemingly surreal things happening around us."

"Deep." I smiled weakly.  But what he said is true.  Sometimes, sacrifices just have to be made.  She doesn't deserve to be just on the sidelines, and wait for me.  She needs closure and that is what I am going to give her.  I have scarred her so deep that she can't even say she loves me anymore.

But this fuckin' hurts!  I thought I have already forgotten her when Eleanor came into my life.  I tried to divert my attention to her,after all, almost everyone likes us together, even our management.  I had a hard time, in the beginning,when management forced me to go out with her.  After a while, you just get used to it and become numb.  We, as public performers, just don't have that privilege of free will.


The abominable sound that sends piercing daggers to my brains. The shrill sound makes my headache a hundred times worse.  I looked for my phone frantically and found it still in my denim's pocket.   Who would call me this early?  I looked at the clock on the wall and it says 4pm. Shit! I slept through the whole day, I put the phone on the top of my ear while lying sideways.

"Hello?"  I groaned drowsily.

"Uhm, Lou?"

My eyes got wide-open when I heard the voice on the other side of the line.  I know it is her judging from the erratic beating of my heart.

"Hey, what's up bab...err Auds?" so much for attempting to be cool about this.

"We have a problem.We've switched phones. That is my phone you are using right now." She exclaimed. "You must have handed me the wrong phone after the ah...uhm, you know"

After our kiss.  My mind supplied the unsaid moment.  Remembering it again sends goosebumps into my skin. I felt the longing once more as well as the immense pain inside me caused by letting go.

"Can you have someone give me back my phone and pick up yours?" She said akwardly.

She doesn't even want to see me. It feels like she  is squeezing lemon on my already severely wounded heart.

"Lou, are you there? Someone has to come here real quick. I have already postponed my flight because of this.  I will be catching the red eye." She remarked rather impatiently.

"Ok.  I will ask someone to be there soon. Where you at?" I managed to say without giving away how hurt I am.

"I am currently checked-in at the Hilton.Thanks Lou for this, for everything."

And I heard a crack in her voice. "Goodbye, Louis of Doncaster."

"Goodbye..." I replied sadly ,"I love you. Babe." but I think she didn't hear my last words because I only heard the dialtone from the other end.

There are so many unspoken words between us; so many things that we don't want to admit to each other.  I have neither told her how I feel, nor have l let her know that she makes me go crazy everytime she is inside a room with me.  I guess she will never know that now.

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