Chapter 28-GOTTA BE YOU

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If only I don't have this tour to think about, I wouldn't have left Audrey no matter what she told me or how angry she was. I would have done anything to make her forgive me again.

I don't know what's wrong with me that I keep on hurting her like this. I swear, I have never intended to hurt her. I didn't tell her that El and I woke up in the same room that morning because I know she will get mad and react like that. We had been arguing about that incident already when the press implied that El and I spent the night together. Even though I was so drunk that evening, I can still recall that I woke up sprawled on the floor and El was still wearing the same clothes as the night before.

But you lied to her and that is what's pissing her off. My inner voice scolded me. I just wish she'll talk to me. She just won't talk to me again. I've asked Zayn to try to reach out to her through Perrie but that was still a dead end. She does let me have my chat with Loe but that's about it. This is killing me especially after those magnificent 2 days with her.

"She wouldn't budge. She said she doesn't want any One Direction member on her doorstep when we reach Hongkong." Harry plopped himself on the settee where I'm sitting. "She said it politely though. She told me that if you want to see Loe, Lottie can pick him up and Loe can spend some time with you in the hotel while we are there. She explicitly mentioned we should not go to her flat."

Yes, I am talking to Curly once again. What's the point of being mad at him when we get to see each other every day. But I did tell him that if he makes a move on my Audrey once again, I'll kill him. I think he got the point now.

I asked him to talk to Auds if I can visit her when we get to Hong kong for the Asian leg of our OTRA Tour. At least she answers her phone when it is Hazza because if it's me, it goes straight to voicemail. Ive left her thousand of messages and apologies but she still wouldn't talk to me at all.

"So what do we do now?" Liam asked the rest of us but actually directed more to me. The lads are increasingly getting perplexed over my situation with Audrey because they are seeing how it affects me so much.

When I had trashed the hotel suite where we stayed in Japan because I was so drunk and Audrey just wouldn't listen to me, Liam tried to comfort me. He told me that he, together with the rest of the boys, will help me get Audrey back. They calmed me down by telling me that they believe Audrey still loves me and that she was just hurt. They mentioned that the love that Auds and I have for each other wouldn't go down the drain just like that; they told me to fight for it and they will be in this with me.

"I think I need a bigger gesture for her to believe me this time. I feel like it will take more than a hundred apologies for her to forgive me." I twirled my phone on top of the coffee table.

"Yeah, maybe it's time to bring her out of the shadows, you know. You've kept her on the sidelines for quite a long time now. "Niall remarked while trying to steady the guitar on his lap and reaching for a bag of crisp.

"I know, but that's the second plan and that will totally depend on the success of my first plan." I totally agree with the Irishman. It is time to bring out everything that Auds and I have in the open. I will protect her from any public hate. The boys and I will make sure of that.

I started to reveal to them the plan I have in mind for our "OPERATION AUDREY'. I just hope everything will fall into place next week when we arrive in Hongkong.


I turned off the radio in my car. I think this is the 10th time that I heard GOTTA BE YOU by One Direction. I know it's Louis' way of getting to me; of letting his presence be felt even if he is a thousand miles away. He, together with the other 4 lads, requested their fans, especially those who are in HK to request this song in every radio station and dedicate it to me. The fans wouldn't really know who among the boys are actually trying to make peace with me but of course I know it's Lou.

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